NCCI 10.1 Update: Go Ahead and Delete the 36140/93501 Bundle
Cardiology Coding Alert
NCCI 10.1 Update:
Go Ahead and Delete the 36140/93501 Bundle
Published on Mon Apr 26, 2004
You won't lose any sleep trying to figure out how to implement the latest round of National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits: Just note one arterial catheter edit deletion, and you'll be home-free.
Specifically, NCCI version 10.1, effective April 1, deletes an edit that bundled 36140 (Introduction of needle or intracatheter; extremity artery) for arterial catheterization into 93501 (Right heart catheterization) for right heart catheterizations.
Deleting this edit makes sense, coding experts say. Code 36140 describes nonselective catheter placement in an extremity artery, whereas physicians perform right heart caths (93501) through a venous system approach.