Modifier 52 Mishaps Mean Needless Fee Reductions
Published on Thu Oct 26, 2006
Do you know the CMS rule for partial S&I services? If you automatically append modifier 52 every time your report suggests a service that doesn't quite meet a CPT code descriptor, you could be cutting your compensation unnecessarily.
Here's the rundown on when you should -- and shouldn't -- append 52 (Reduced services). Gather Up CPT and CMS Guidance AMA CPT guidelines explain that you should use modifier 52 when the physician partially reduces or eliminates a service or procedure at his discretion, says Stacie L. Buck, RHIA, CCS-P, LHRM, vice president of Southeast Radiology Management in Stuart, Fla.
CMS guidelines say to use 52 "when a procedure/service performed is significantly less than usually required," Buck says.
What to do: Report the usual code for the procedure and append 52 to indicate reduced services, Buck says, citing CPT guidelines.
Example: The cardiologist attempts an angioplasty to the left anterior descending coronary artery. He is able to cross the lesion with the guide wire, but the balloon will not fully cross the lesion because of its small diameter.
The cardiologist dilates what he can, but the results are poor. He refers the patient for coronary artery bypass surgery. In this case, you should report the coronary angioplasty code 92982 (Percutaneous transluminal coronary balloon angioplasty; single vessel) with modifier 52 attached.
Caution: Different payers may have different coding guidelines for this service. Avoid Modifier 52-53 Mistakes Modifier 53 (Discontinued procedure) is not interchangeable with 52. You should append 53 to a procedure code when an unexpected patient response, such as arrhythmia, ends the procedure, according to CPT Assistant, December 1996, Buck says. Remember: You should use 52 when the physician reduces a procedure at his discretion, not because of a life-threatening situation.
Bottom line: Look for why the physician didn't carry out the full procedure to determine whether you should append 52 or 53, Buck says. Divvy Up S&I Duties With 52 Radiologic supervision and interpretation (RS&I) codes require performance of the exact services they describe -- supervision and interpretation. For example, you'll see this descriptor in "G" codes specific to renal and iliac angiography performed at the time of a heart catheterization (G0275 and G0278).
"Supervision" means personal supervision, including presence, during the radiologic portion of a procedure, according to CMS, Buck says. Important: Personal supervision is a service to a beneficiary -- it is not the same as general supervision, which fiscal intermediaries pay hospitals for as physician services, Buck adds, citing CMS.
A different physician may perform the interpretation. CMS says that when one physician, such as a cardiologist, reports the supervision portion of the S&I code, and a radiologist reports the interpretation, each physician should append 52 to reflect the reduced service, Buck says.
Watch for: These are CMS' rules. [...]