Cardiology Coding Alert


I25.2 and 412 Look the Same, But Check the Definition of 'Acute' MI

You may need an aftercare code between acute and old for ICD-10. Once ICD-10 is implemented, sticking to ICD-9's myocardial infarction coding rules is a sure path to inaccurate coding. To fully understand when to use the codes for an "old" myocardial infarction, take a careful look at the number of weeks listed in the definitions of acute diagnoses. ICD-9-CM Code: 412, Old myocardial infarction ICD-10-CM Code: I25.2, Old myocardial infarction Often called a heart attack, myocardial infarction (MI) refers to an event in which the heart's blood supply is cut off, leading to a lack of oxygen and muscle death. ICD-9 coding rules: Code 412 applies to a healed MI or a "past myocardial infarction diagnosed by ECG [EKG] or other special investigation, but currently presenting no symptoms." If the MI is less than 8 weeks old, you instead use a code from 410.xx (Acute myocardial infarction). For instance, [...]
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