Cardiology Coding Alert


CMS Clarifies How to Report Clinical Trial Numbers for TAVR

Paper-based and electronic have different instructions.

Keeping track of CMS’s rules for reporting transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) can take a little work.

Cardiology Coding Alert, vol. 16, no. 7, "Capture Clinical Trial Number for TAVR Services, Says CMS" focused on CMS’s new requirement for clinical trial numbers on TAVR claims. But new information has come out since the article was published.

In mid-July, CMS clarified that only paper claims require CT in front of the number. The prefix CT is not needed on electronic claims.

The exact wording from MLN Matters MM8255 is:

"For professional claims processed on or after July 1, 2013, Medicare expects this numeric, 8-digit clinical trial (CT) registry number to be preceded by the alpha characters of ‘CT’ in Field 19 of paper Form CMS-1500 claims or entered similarly BUT WITHOUT THE ‘CT’ prefix in the electronic 837P in Loop 2300 REF01 (REF01=P4)."

You can see the updated MLN Matters article at You can review the official updated instruction at

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