Get a handle on 3 of the major highlights for cardiology this quarter.
Correct Coding Initiative version 17.1 brings 11,831 new edit pairs, effective April 1 for physicians.That's the word from a March 17 announcement by Frank Cohen, principal and senior analyst for the Frank Cohen Group. Here's a look at the major pointers you need to keep in mind to comply with the new cardiology-related edits, including cardiac catheterization, radiological supervision and interpretation, cardiac rehabilitation, and more.1. Prevent Denials by Remembering 93454-93461 Are DiagnosticNew edits will prevent you from reporting heart catheter/angiography codes 93454- 93461 (column 2) with the following cardiovascular therapeutic services and procedures (column 1):92975 -- Thrombolysis coronary; by intracoronary infusion, including selective coronary angiography92980 -- Transcatheter placement of an intracoronary stent(s), percutaneous, with or without other therapeutic intervention, any method; single vessel92982 -- Percutaneous transluminal coronary balloon angioplasty; single vessel92995 -- Percutaneous transluminal coronary atherectomy, by mechanical or other method, [...]