Cardiology Coding Alert

CCI 15.3:

Shore Up Your Cardiology Coding by Catching 3 CCI Additions and 1 Key Deletion

Don't let the end of these EP edits lead you into a tempting $119 trap. The Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) piles on more than 18,000 new edit pairs in version 15.3, but you don't want to miss the catheter placement, electrophysiology study, and imaging edit needles in this haystack. Here are the four areas to keep your eye on. 1. Unbundle Bundle of His Recording From Ablation CCI offers a few deletions this round, removing edits bundling electrophysiology (EP) studies with ablation codes. But don't start adding EP studies to your claims willy-nilly, experts warn. CPT guidelines indicate you should report only "diagnostic" EP studies alongside ablation. Deletion details: Effective Oct. 1, 93600 (Bundle of His recording) is no longer bundled into 93650 (Intracardiac catheter ablation of atrioventricular node function, atrioventricular conduction for creation of complete heart block, with or without temporary pacemaker placement). Similarly, CCI no longer bundles the [...]
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