Cardiology Coding Alert

Case Study:

93451-+93572: Choose Which Codes Apply to This Cardiac Cath Report

Look past the procedures list to ensure your coding is compliant. Coding cardiac catheterizations requires sifting through enormous amounts of information to decipher which services the cardiologist provided. Then you really put your coding know-how to the test by determining which services you may report separately and precisely which codes apply. The sample case below, based on a real-life report, offers a chance to look at the nitty gritty details involved in choosing which codes to assign to your claim. Navigate Your Way Through the Report PROCEDURES: Left heart catheterization. Bilateral selective coronary artery angiography. Left ventriculogram. Ascending aorta angiography. Right common femoral artery angiography. Perclose ProGlide closure device to achieve hemostasis. INDICATIONS: There is a 67-year-old male with history of diabetes type 2 who presented with complaint of chest pain. The patient underwent exercise treadmill test and developed shortness of breath and chest pain during the procedure. The patient [...]
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