AV Shunt:
36147 Details Will Help Sharpen Your Coding
Published on Thu Feb 09, 2012
Get the official word on what makes 75791 different from CPT 36147. CPT Codes can pack a lot into one little code. Here's a closer look at just what "arteriovenous shunt created for dialysis [graft/fistula]" means in 36147. The code: The code in focus here and in "36147: Grasp New Guidance for Diagnostic AV Shunt Coding," on page 17, is 36147 (Introduction of needle and/or catheter, arteriovenous shunt created for dialysis [graft/fistula]; initial access with complete radiological evaluation of dialysis access, including fluoroscopy, image documentation and report [includes access of shunt, injection(s) of contrast, and all necessary imaging from the arterial anastomosis and adjacent artery through entire venous outflow including the inferior or superior vena cava]). You'll typically use 36147 when a patient with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is having trouble with his AV shunt for dialysis and requires an evaluation. AV shunt defined: "For diagnostic studies, the arteriovenous (AV) [...]