Advance Your Angio Skills With This Carotid Scenario
Published on Sat Mar 27, 2010
Knowing right from left can bring a$105 reward. How do you handle a case with a common carotid placement but both common and internal carotid imaging? That's what one coder wanted to know when she sent in the following scenario: Using femoral access and common carotid placement, the physician images the right common carotid and right internal carotid. The physician documents normal anatomy and states there are no abnormalities in the common carotid, but she finds stenosis in the internal carotid. Determine your answer, and then see if your solution matches the experts'. Image 2 Vessels From Same Placement? The scenario indicates catheter placement terminated in the common carotid, but the cardiologist imaged both the common and internal carotid arteries. Assuming your documentation supports it, you will be able to report imaging for both the common and internal carotid arteries. This imaging of both vessels is possible because the contrast [...]