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Cardiology Coding Alert
Cardiology Coding Alert
Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 12
CPT® 2014:
Get to Know the Aorta to Apply 34841-34848 With Precision
FEVAR moves from Category III to Category I in January. Your visceral aorta repair cod...
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CPT® 2014:
33366 Takes the Place of 0318T Next Year
Be sure the whole TAVR team is in the loop. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TA...
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CPT® 2014:
Stay Alert to Catch Changes to Cardiac Event Recorder Codes 33282 and 33284
Check symbols, not definitions. Determining why codes 33282 (Implantation of patient-a...
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CPT® 2014:
Keep an Eye Out for Opportunities to Use New Phone/Internet Consult Codes
99446-99449 require a verbal report and a written report. Starting January 1, CPT®...
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CPT® 2014:
93653, 93654, 93656 Revision Status Is Explained
These definitions went into effect in 2013. Your CPT® 2014 resource will probably ...
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CPT® 2014:
Factor These 4 Category III Code Options Into Your Cardiology Game Plan
Don’t ignore the valve repair codes effective in January but absent from the codeb...
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News You Can Use:
Wondering Where the HCPCS Updates Are?
You should have them before Thanksgiving. CMS has announced that it expects to publish...
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R07.89 Lets You Report Chest Pressure and More as of Oct. 1
Following inclusion notes will keep your coding on track. Once ICD-10-CM is implemente...
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Reader Question:
Transition to New CMS-1500 in 2014
Question: How will the CMS 1500 form change to allow ICD-10-CM reporting? Vermont Subs...
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Reader Question:
Overlapping Anatomy Can Cause 76700/76770 Problems
Question: Our referring physician requests abdominal and renal ultrasound together. Can ...
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You Be the Coder:
Beware of Reporting Bilateral Services Twice
Question: How do you bill 36245-50 bilaterally? Does the 50 modifier tell them it was do...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 11
CPT® 2014:
33222 and 33223 Emphasize 'Relocation' for Cardiac Device Pockets as of January 1
Consider I&D codes when revision is performed. If you’ve ever struggled with...
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CPT® 2014:
Take a Peek at New Codes for Percutaneous Cardiac Surgeries
See which diagnosis codes are likely to pair with these new procedure codes. Minimally...
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CPT® 2014:
Details Matter When Reporting New Embolization
Look at the type of vessel and reason for treatment. Be sure to remove vascular emboli...
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CPT® 2014:
Turn to 37217 for Retrograde Carotid or Innominate Stent Placement
Radiological supervision and interpretation is included, too. CPT® 2014 has introd...
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CPT® 2014:
Watch Vessel Type When Reporting 37236-+37238 in 2014
Toss out 37205-+37208 to make room for new intravascular stent codes. CPT® 2014 de...
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Check Back Next Month for More CPT® 2014 News
Watch the next issue for details on new coding options for FEVAR and transapical TAVR, C...
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CCI 19.3:
New Temporary Pacemaker Edits Apply to Claims After Oct. 1, 2013
Bottom line: Don’t report temp codes with permanent device services. Correct Cod...
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R94.31 Answers the Call for Abnormal ECG Code Next Year
Check out the codes for ‘other’ and ‘unspecified’ options, too. ...
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Reader Question:
746.85 Doesn't Apply to RI
Question: Should I code the presence of a ramus intermedius as an anomaly? Codify Sub...
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Reader Question:
93458 Requires Coronary Angiography
Question: My doctor performed LHC, aortic root arteriography with runoff, and a bilatera...
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You Be the Coder:
How Do You Code When PVI Is Performed 2nd?
Question: How should I code if during an encounter the physician performs CTI ablation f...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 10
Tackle 2 Echo Scenarios Head On to Avoid These Costly Mistakes
Work with your clinical team to keep these assumptions from tanking your claim. How do I ...
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Apply 3 Tips to Keep Your Incident-To Claims Watertight
Knowing when to bill under the NPP, not the MD, is a must to avoid audit trouble. A p...
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CPT® 2014 Details Are on the Way!
Don’t miss the next issue when we’ll take an in-depth look at the CPT® 2...
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Flow Chart:
Simplify Incident-To Billing With a Question by Question Approach
Follow the arrows to compliant claims. Non-physician practitioners (NPPs) are an impor...
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T82.- Codes for Cardiac Device Complications Demand A Lot of Details
Check for the specific problem before using these 996.71-996.72 replacements. If you h...
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Reader Question:
76942 Requires Strong Medical Necessity
Question: I’m hearing conflicting things about whether I can report 76942 for need...
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Reader Question:
Medicare Posts New Pacemaker Decision Memo
Question: Has there been any update on Medicare’s proposed pacemaker coverage for ...
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Reader Question:
G9157 Covers Physician TED Work
Question: What’s included in G9157? North Carolina Subscriber Answer: Medica...
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Reader Question:
Coding for a Service in Another MD's Global
Question: Our physician readmitted a patient who was in a global period for a procedure ...
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Reader Question:
Double Check 36005 With 36569
Question: When venography, angioplasty, and stenting precede PICC placement, may I overr...
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You Be the Coder:
Find Codes for BiV Upgrade
Question: If a patient has an upgrade from dual to BiV PM at the same session that the a...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 9
Master 93306 Coding Now Because It Could Be Worth Even More in 2014
Can’t evaluate all required anatomy? Complete exam code may still be an option. ...
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Z45.0- Will Help You Report Cardiac Device Encounters Next Year
Prepare to distinguish between pacemaker battery and other parts. ICD-10 will require ...
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CMS Clarifies How to Report Clinical Trial Numbers for TAVR
Paper-based and electronic have different instructions. Keeping track of CMS’s r...
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Reader Question:
Limit Stress Test Coding to Services Provided
Question: At a facility, my physician provides stress tests (without treadmill) for pati...
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Reader Question:
Subtract Cath Time From 99291
Question: While providing critical care, the doctor inserted a tunneled central venous c...
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Reader Question:
Dig for Diagnostic and Interventional Carotid Details
Question: How should I report diagnostic right common carotid artery angiography and rig...
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Reader Question:
Calculate A9502 and A9505 Units Differently
Question: How many units should I report for Myoview (A9502), 30 mCi for rest and stress...
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Reader Question:
Save Mod 59 for CCI Override, Says Cahaba
Question: Can you explain when to choose modifier 59 and modifier 76? Georgia Subscri...
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Reader Question:
99221-99223 Is 'Per Day' for the Group
Question: Two cardiologists in our group saw the same inpatient on the same date. The fi...
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You Be the Coder:
Watch Coding for OM Branches
Question: How should I report stents in the LAD, OM1, and OM2? Codify Subscriber Ans...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 8
CCI Deletions:
CMS Finally Gives a Green Light to +93623 With More EP Study/Ablation Codes
Take action to secure the dollars you’ve earned since January. Good news: Correc...
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CCI Additions:
S-ICDs and E/M Dominate Cardiology's July Edit Updates
Thousands of new edits will affect your claims, but common sense should see you through. ...
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CCI Changes:
Hunt Down the Column and Modifier Indicator Swaps in the Latest Edit Update
Additions and deletions aren’t the only game in town. Savvy coders know that Cor...
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News You Can Use:
Pacemakers May See Revised Coverage Indications
Take the opportunity to review the proposed decision. CMS has posted a proposed decisi...
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Take a Quick Tutorial in Chemical Cardioversion Coding
Watch the setting when choosing codes. If your physician performed cardioversion, that...
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426.4 Will Divide Into 3 Right Bundle Branch Block Options in 2014
Remember to look to combo codes if the left bundle branch is affected, too. ICD-10 twe...
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Reader Question:
Analyze Medicare's ASC-Covered Procedures
Question: Where can I find a list of the codes Medicare covers when performed in an ASC?...
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Reader Question:
99201 Is OK With 93925, But Be Cautious
Question: Can 99201 or 99211 be billed with 93925 (ABI)? Codify Member Answer: The...
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Reader Question:
Seek Pacer Upgrade Codes
Question: Which codes apply to this service? 1) Venography of left subclavian 2) Ve...
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You Be the Coder:
Can You Report Second EKG Reading?
Question: Is there a modifier or a procedure code for the following? Patient comes...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 7
CPT® News:
37205 Deleted? See What Else 2014 May Bring for Cardiology Codes
There’s something for everyone — congenital, nuclear, TAVR, TCM, FEVAR, and ...
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Frequency Edits:
Add Date of Service MUEs to CMS Line-Up Now
You won’t know for sure which codes have these edits, though. If you aren’...
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429.1 Finds Its Equal in I51.5 for Myocardial Degeneration
You’ll be able to hold on to your old rule about hypertensive heart disease, too. ...
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Valve Replacement:
Capture Clinical Trial Number for TAVR Services, Says CMS
Follow this checklist to get your claims accepted the first time. Starting in July, yo...
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Reader Question:
413.9 Applies to Angina After Infarction, Too
Question: Should I report 411.0 for postinfarction angina? New Jersey Subscriber A...
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Reader Question:
Modifiers Help Distinguish 92928 Services
Question: Can you bill multiple stents to different arteries of the heart? For example, ...
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Reader Question:
996.01 Helps Report PMT
Question: How do I report pacemaker-mediated tachycardia? Texas Subscriber Answer:...
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You Be the Coder:
Sort Through This EP Report for Codes
Question: How should I code this service? Two 4fr sheaths placed to LFV. 7FR to ...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 6
93010 Is Sometimes the Right Choice on Cardiac Cath Day
The trick is pinpointing diagnostic electrocardiography. ECGs are bundled into cardiac...
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Category III:
0180T Steps In for 64+ Lead ECG
The definitions for routine ECG codes 93010-93015 state “at least 12 leads.”...
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J0152 May Be Ditched in 2014 for Adenosine
A new J code appears to be on the horizon. The way you report units for adenosine may ...
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Ordering/Provider Edit Implementation Is on Hold
You have a little more time to verify that providers are eligible to order Medicare test...
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I49.3 Gives Ventricular Premature Beats Their Own Code in 2014
Term swap: ICD-10 uses ‘depolarization’ instead of ‘beats.’ A ...
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92960 Won't Fly for Emergency Defibrillation
CPR and cardiac cycle synchronization offer key clues to proper coding. Cardioversions...
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Reader Question:
Calculate Sequester Reduction Properly
Question: Does the 2 percent sequestration cut apply to claims with dates of service on/...
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Reader Question:
E/M May Cover MD's Role in Procainamide Challenge
Question: What code would I use for procainamide challenge used to rule out Brugada synd...
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Reader Question:
36556 Use Depends on Termination Point
Question: My physician noted that he inserted a central line through the right femoral v...
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You Be the Coder:
Signs and Symptoms Support This Heart Cath
Question: The patient had a left-sided heart catheterization, selective coronary angiogr...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 5
Make the Most of April Updates to Angiography, Extracorporeal Circulation, and TED
All three changes are retroactive to January 1. Medicare Physician Fee Schedu...
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I50.- Will Remove the Unspecified CHF Option in 2014
You’ll still have fifth digit options to identify acute or chronic. ICD-9 and IC...
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99495 and 99496 Use Gets Clearer With New TCM FAQs
Find answers to place and date of service questions. CMS has offered some fresh insigh...
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News You Can Use:
Expect Ordering Provider Edits to Start May 1
Check enrollment for your own physicians and those who order tests from your practice. ...
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Reader Question:
37211 Answers the Call for Thrombolysis Code
Question: How should I code placement of an infusion catheter in the left lower extremit...
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Reader Question:
+0079T Extension Prosthesis Gets Defined
Question: What counts as a prosthesis for +0079T? Tennessee Subscriber Answer...
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Reader Question:
Amend Documentation the CMS Way
Question: Where can I find CMS directions regarding amending documentation? Georgia ...
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You Be the Coder:
Solve This Conduit Stenosis Question
Question: Which ICD-9 code applies to RV-to-PA conduit valve stenosis? The conduit requi...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 4
Add-On Codes Are Adding Trouble to 2013 EP Study and Ablation Claims
You have to dig deep to discover allowed primary codes for mapping and programmed stim. ...
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Good News for Bilateral 36222-+36228
Medicare’s April update to the Physician Fee Schedule corrects the bilateral statu...
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News You Can Use:
Could Dual-Chamber Pacemaker Coverage See Improvements Soon?
Medicare’s reconsidering current policy. Medicare may update dual-chamber pacema...
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CPT® 2013:
+92973 Coding Is Limited to Mechanical Thrombectomy
The aspiration thrombectomy question finally gets an answer. The 2013 addition of the ...
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443.9 Will Translate to I73.9 for Next Year's PVD Cases
Check the I73.- range notes to keep up with all excluded diagnoses. When documentation...
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Reader Question:
36223 Covers Extracranial With Intracranial
Question: When I would code for a bilateral carotid angiogram in 2012, I would use 36215...
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Reader Question:
LC, LD, and RC May Have Been Overlooked
Question: Our Medicare contractor won’t accept modifiers LC, LD, and RC with the n...
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Reader Question:
Modifier 52 Plays a Role in Halted Stress Test
Question: During a nuclear stress test, the patient became claustrophobic and needed to ...
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Reader Question:
93458 Includes Pre-Op Encounter
Question: Can I report a consult for a heart cath done later that same day when the hear...
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You Be the Coder:
Search for Subclavian Stent Code
Question: Is there a code specific to placing a stent in the brachiocephalic or subclavi...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 3
CPT® 2013:
37211-37214 Focus on Initial, Subsequent, and Final Day for Non-Coronary Thrombolysis Coding
Claim checkpoint: Catheter exchanges and follow-up studies are bundled into the new code...
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Coding Guidelines:
Polish Your Thrombolysis Claims With These Tips
Caution: The CPT® guidelines may not be where you expect them. To help in the 2013...
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Peripheral Vascular:
Streamline Your Selection of the New Non-Coronary Thrombolysis Codes
Remember to watch arterial or venous for first day’s code. In 2013, your coding ...
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Vascular Coding:
36226 on Both Sides? Here's What to Do
Plus: Discover which services are reportable in addition to the new cervicocerebral angi...
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I25.10 Is an Inexact Match for Unspecified Cardiovascular Disease
But ICD-10 notes let you know this is the best option once 429.2 is obsolete. Part of ...
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Reader Question:
33361 Now Appears in CMS's TAVR Policy
Question: Does the creation of the new TAVR codes change Medicare’s coverage polic...
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Reader Question:
33215 Has an MUE of 2
Question: When two electrodes are repositioned (atrial and ventricular), same session, w...
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Reader Question:
99304 Is OK for Specialists, Too
Question: Our doctors were asked to consult at a nursing home. They have never gone befo...
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Reader Question:
414.01 Answers Native Vessel CAD Question
Question: Based on the documentation for the following scenario, can you please tell us ...
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You Be the Coder:
Pick the Code for This SPECT Exam
Question: How should I report the interpretation of nuclear images performed for a SPECT...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 2
2013's New PCI Codes Prompt a Key CCI Policy Manual Change
Get the lowdown on coding native vessel intervention followed by a graft service. &nbs...
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Don't Expect Medicare Pay for PCI Add-On Codes
Pay attention to which codes have ‘bundled’ status. T...
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Vascular Coding:
37203 and 75961 Head Out, 37197 Rolls In to Fill the Void
Transcatheter retrieval coding sees a big change in 2013. CPT® 2013 has streamline...
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R01.2 Won't Be Your Only Abnormal Heart Sound Option in 2014
Check to see whether an ‘abnormal heart beat’ code would be more appropriate...
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Fee Schedule:
MPPR Cuts 25% Off of the TC of Numerous Cardio Codes in 2013
Identify affected codes by checking for multiple procedure value ‘6.’ C...
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Reader Question:
33967 and 33968 Report Same-Day IAB Services
Question: The cardiologist performed selective coronary angiography, and he used an IAB ...
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Reader Question:
786.59 Answers 'Atypical' Pain Question
Question: What’s the diagnosis code for "atypical" chest pain? Florid...
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Reader Question:
Modifiers LM and RI Join CCI Manual
Question: Which modifiers may be used to override CCI edits? South Carolina Subscribe...
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Reader Question:
PMFSH Update Requires Citing Previous Version
Question: Is it OK if the physician reviews a previous PMFSH instead of taking a new o...
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You Be the Coder:
92982 With 92980? Code Stent and Angioplasty
Question: For 2012, can you bill for a stent and angioplasty in the same visit if they w...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2013; Volume 16, Number 1
CPT® 2013 93299 Is Missing From a Key Reprogramming Instruction - Heres Where to Pencil It In
Plus: Check out 4 other cardiology-related corrections to keep your coding on the straig...
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92921 Payment? CMS Says Coronary Branch Add-On Codes Are Bundled
Watch for this conflict between CPT® and CMS guidelines. CPT® 2013 overhauled ...
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Coding Update:
36221 Leads the Long List of New Carotid and Vertebral Angiography Codes
Training tip: Documentation needs to state where the catheter terminates. You may want...
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416.8 Unfolds Into 2 New Pulmonary Heart Disease Options
Keep a close eye out for ‘secondary’ to ensure you choose the appropriate co...
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Reader Question:
+92978 Instruction Gets Updated
Question: Will we be able to report +92978 with the new coronary revascularization codes...
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Reader Question:
93998 Captures TCOM Without ABI
Question: I have a report for TCOM, but it doesn’t indicate an ABI was performed. ...
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Reader Question:
Retrievable Images Are Key to US Codes
Question: Will you confirm whether printed US images must be present in the medical...
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You Be the Coder:
Look for Lexiscan Test Codes
Question: Which codes apply to this case performed in our office? The patient has mitral...
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Available Years: