Cardiology Coding Alert

CPT® 2012:
33227-33229 Revolutionize Pacemaker Battery Change Coding
Celebrate a simpler way to report single electrode repair in a dual-chamber system. Ea... Read more
33206 and 71090 No Longer Pair Up for Pacemaker Implant -- Here's Why
See at a glance how 2011 and 2012 coding compare.Coding changes for pacemakers and implant... Read more
Vascular Update:
36251-36254 Make Old Renal Codes Obsolete
Ring in the New Year with updates for IVC filters, too.The trend toward more all-in-one co... Read more
E/M Update:
99218-99220 Add Typical Times for 2012
Rumor has it the revisions could add options for reporting these observation codes.Have yo... Read more
404.0x Differs From I13.- in Use of Malignant and Benign
ICD-10-CM narrows your code options from 12 to 4 for hypertensive heart and CKD.You can ex... Read more
Reader Question:
93454's Global Period Affects Discharge
Question: May I report 99238, discharge from hospital, on the same date as coronary angiog... Read more
Reader Question:
G0389 Counterpart Depends on Documentation
Question: We use G0389 for AAA screening of Medicare patients. What is the correspond... Read more
Reader Question:
92975 Is Included in 92980
Question: May I report 92975 for TPA with stent code 92980, or is the TPA included? I see ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
37221 and 37226 Join Forces?
Question: How should I code external iliac and common femoral angioplasty stent procedures... Read more
ICD-9 2012:
414.4 Lets You Get Specific About Calcified Coronary Lesions
But 425.1 will bring instant denials as of October 1.Don't consider your ICD-9 2012 update... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
6 Techniques to Add to Your ICD-9 Toolbox
Cheat sheets come with a warning label.To help ensure your coding complies with ICD-9 guid... Read more
CCI Update:
36000 and More Benefit From Edit Deletions in October
Plus: 93602 and 93610 are no longer bundled with 92961. In the latest version of the Corre... Read more
Coding 101:
Master the Meaning of CCI Modifier Indicators
Denial prevention starts with understanding the difference between 0 and 1.Correct Coding ... Read more
I45.6 Displays New Descriptor for WPW Code
Beware: You won't see identical ICD-9 and ICD-10 inclusion lists.When you code Wolff-Parki... Read more
Reader Question:
413.x Codes Support G0166 for ECP
Question: When a national coverage determination doesn't specify which codes to use, how d... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier KX Keeps These MRI Claims Compliant
Question: Do the new rules on coverage for MRI with pacemaker affect coding?New Jersey Sub... Read more
Reader Question:
V72.83 Lands Top Spot on NGS Mapping Claim
Question: What diagnosis code should be used for vein mapping prior to hemodialysis?Codify... Read more
Reader Question:
440.2x Key Words Are 'Native' and 'Extremities'
Question: What is the ICD-9 code for stenosis, popliteal artery?Codify MemberAnswer: You s... Read more
You Be the Coder:
93458 Applies When Approach is Radial?
Question:  If the cardiologist performs a left heart cath by a radial approach, would... Read more
Coronary Intervention:
+92973 Debate Heats Up Around Aspiration Catheters
New information stresses a 'mechanical' requirement for the thrombectomy code. ... Read more
453.42 Explodes Into Multiple Site-Specific I82.4- Codes
You'll need quick access to documentation of right, left, or bilateral.Coding for deep vei... Read more
9 Rules Polish Your HTN Coding to Perfection
Keep these guidelines on assumptions, renal disease, and heart disease handy.Hypertension ... Read more
Reader Question:
LC, LD, RC Information Found in Payer Manual
Question: I searched Interventional Cardiology LCD L30283 regarding 92980-92984, but it do... Read more
Reader Question:
78452 Still Applies for 2-Day Test
Question: When the cardiologist interprets multiple MPIs on a single day, we report CPT 78... Read more
Reader Question:
427.0 Is 'PAT' Option
Question: Documentation for an ablation procedure shows a diagnosis of PAT. What does this... Read more
Reader Question:
99058 Requires Schedule Disruption
Question:  We recently hired a new physician who is questioning whether we can bill a... Read more
You Be the Coder:
5 Codes for This Cath Service?
Question:  I'm reporting a right iliofemoral vein puncture for right heart catheteriz... Read more
Case Study:
37220-37235: Decide Which Codes Apply to This PV Report
Proper +37222 use depends on this term tip.Looking for a way to put your revascularization... Read more
Part B Forms:
New ABN Form Will Be Required by Nov. 1, CMS Says
New form doesn't include major changes, but you must make the switch.It may seem like just... Read more
News You Can Use
786.50 and 786.51 Land on PT 'Paid' ListIf your practice provides prothrombin time (PT) te... Read more
745.4 Matches to Q21.0 to Describe VSD
Even one-to-one matches can hold surprises -- check the index for clarity.When ICD-10... Read more
Reader Question:
426.82 Needs 'Syndrome' Diagnosis
Question: Is 426.82 appropriate for an ECG interpretation that shows long QT interval?Iowa... Read more
Reader Question:
99211 Has Limited Role in Coumadin Encounter
Question: We're trying to create a policy on when to report an E/M code when a patient pre... Read more
Reader Question:
36140-59 Calls for Supporting Documentation
Question: Do codes 99144, 36140, 36245, and 75710 require any modifiers to be paid when re... Read more
Reader Question:
0238T and 37221 Allowed for This Iliac Service
Question: If the physician performs an iliac atherectomy in the same vessel as a stent or ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
93458's Global Period Offers Coding Clues
Question: The cardiologist was called in to consult for an inpatient presenting with angin... Read more
ICD-9 2012:
747.31 Promises New Option for Pulmonary Artery Disorders
Plus: Check out embolus and anaphylaxis ICD-9 updates.ICD-9 2012 is set to ease your searc... Read more
Case Study:
93510 and More Make Way for New 2011 Coronary Codes
Take a careful look at whether you may code the catheterization separately.A 2011 coronary... Read more
426.12, 426.13 Join Forces Under ICD-10 Code I44.1
Match a single code to Mobitz block type 1 and 2.When you make a comparison, you'll find t... Read more
Reader Question:
0266T-0273T Describe New Technology
Question: What sort of device is used for new codes 0266T-0273T?Texas SubscriberAnswer: Th... Read more
Reader Question:
93351 Use May Vary by Payer
Question: I am questioning how to code stress echos on patients that are done in the hospi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Spy Proper Codes for SPECT Report
Question: How should I report the following case? A patient with an abnormal ECG presents ... Read more
Holter Monitors:
93224-93227 Take on Extra Jobs in 2011 to Make Up for Code Deletions
12, 24, and 48 hour services all have roles in this coding shake-up.Cardiology codes are ... Read more
Coming Next Month:
747.3 May Get 5th Digit Options Under ICD-9 2012
Changes to embolism coding may be on the horizon, too.CMS has posted proposed changes to d... Read more
Peripheral Vascular:
0234T-0238T Throw a Curveball at Your Atherectomy Claims
Assuming these codes include catheterization could cost you.You may have mastered the 2011... Read more
I42.- Requires More Cardiomyopathy Details Than 425.4 Does
Tip: A diagnosis that falls under an ICD-9 'other' code may have its own ICD-10 code.Under... Read more
Part 2:
Coding Tool: 394.x-398.x and 424.x: Clarify the Role of 'Rheumatic'
Use this cheat sheet to aid your noncongenital valve disorder coding.... Read more
Reader Question:
93619 Covers No Attempted Arrhythmia Induction
Question: Both 93619 and 93620 refer to EP evaluations with attempted induction. Which sho... Read more
Reader Question:
99201-99205 Can Apply to Previous ECG Patient
Question: One of our cardiologist's saw a patient for the first time this week, but the re... Read more
Reader Question:
Amiodarone Lands High on Table of Risk
Question: I find the medical decision making Table of Risk tricky to use. Where would mana... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Describe Intracardiac Echo With Heart Cath
Question: How should I code a combined right and left heart cath that included measuring a... Read more
Part 1:
Diagnosis Coding: 394.x-398.x or 424.x? Decision Becomes Simpler When Multiple Valve Rule Is Clear
You can't afford to assume the 'Rheumatic' range applies only to rheumatic cases.Finding t... Read more
414.01 Counterparts in ICD-10 Differ Based on Angina Pectoris Presence
Create tools to capture the specific type of chest pain.When you begin using ICD-10 codes ... Read more
News You Can Use:
MRI for Pacemaker Patients Is 1 Step Closer to Coverage
FDA-approved labeling should be your guide.CMS posted a proposed decision memo (PDM) in fa... Read more
Increased Services:
Modifier 22 Offers Reimbursement Opportunities If You Overcome 3 Myths
Don't fall for these common body habitus, time, and fee traps.If you overuse modifier 22 (... Read more
Reader Questions:
Modifier AI Belongs Inside Manual Cover
Question: The inside cover of my CPT® manual shows modifier A1 for principal physici... Read more
Reader Questions:
9921x Service May Include Access Site Check
Question: Our physicians do follow-up groin checks in the office after catheterization (di... Read more
Reader Questions:
Report Vitals With 3 Components
Question: Can you explain how many of the vital signs our physician needs to perform as pa... Read more
Reader Questions:
99214: Take Discussion with Patient Into Account
Question: Our physician spends a lot of time discussing treatment options, imaging results... Read more
You Be the Coder:
434.x or Something Else for Post-Op CVA?
Question: Does 434.x apply to a postoperative cerebrovascular accident (CVA)?Maryland Subs... Read more
93454-93461 Land in the Column 2 Spot in Multiple New Edit Pairs
Get a handle on 3 of the major highlights for cardiology this quarter.Correct Coding Initi... Read more
394.2's Replacement Specifies 'Rheumatic' -- Get the Details Here
I05.2 offers a good lesson in why your superbill's font matters.Valve disease diagnosis co... Read more
Part 2:
93451-93453: Put This Code-Specific Primer to Work for Your Claims
Tip: Think twice before using these codes -- CPT may offer a more comprehensive choic... Read more
Reader Questions:
MRI-Safe Pacemaker Wasn't Part of New NCD
Question: Is it true that Medicare is now covering MRI scans for patients with the new MRI... Read more
Reader Questions:
93970 Global Period a Factor for E/M Coding
Question: Can you bill a bilateral scan (93970) along with an office visit and get paid fo... Read more
Reader Questions:
99360 Doesn't Merit Medicare Pay
Question: My doctors stand by for the cardiologists during a pacemaker placement in case t... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Apply Code to Elevated Creatine Kinase
Question: Which diagnosis code applies to "elevated creatine kinase"?New Mexico Subscriber... Read more
Part 1:
93451-93453: See How Guidelines Affect New Cardiac Cath Codes
Add-on code opportunities do exist if you know where to look."Major overhaul" sums up CPT ... Read more
E78.0-E78.5 Promise to Be a Close Match to 272.x Codes
But be prepared to code 'other' and 'unspecified' hyperlipidemia separately.Chances are pr... Read more
News You Can Use:
93224-93226 Offer Opportunity for a Little Extra Cash
The catch is you have to make the request for your rightful dollars.Medicare's April updat... Read more
+33225: Decide Which Primary Code This Case Study Supports
Plus: Watch for which typical service isn't mentioned at all.Challenge yourself with this ... Read more
Reader Questions:
37224 Covers PTA of SFA
Question: What is the proper coding for PTA of the right SFA?Codify MemberAnswer: Percutan... Read more
Reader Questions:
92982-52 Applies to Terminated PTCA
Question: My cardiologist attempted a PTCA but determined after several attempts that it w... Read more
Reader Questions:
Modifier GZ Yields Automatic Denial July 1
Question: Which modifier applies when the physician performed a non-covered service for a ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
427.xx: Which Code(s) Describe AFib With RVR?
Question: What is the correct diagnosis code for atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricula... Read more
CPT 2011:
37228-+37235 Use Depends on Identifying Initial and Additional Vessel Procedures
Prevent refund requests by understanding proper coding for TP trunk services.If you've got... Read more
Revascularization Codes Cover Various Methods
Don't let documentation of cutting balloon angioplasty or laser atherectomy send your codi... Read more
Cardiovascular Monitoring:
93224-93272 Sport an All New Look in 2011
Confused by 48-hour Holter services? Here's your answer.CPT 2011 may not completely swap y... Read more
I21.- Will Replace 410.1x and Add Artery Involvement to Your Documentation Needs
See whether episode of care determines fifth digit under ICD-10 2011. Each day brings ... Read more
Reader Questions:
396.x OK Even When Not 'Rheumatic'
Question: I code for echocardiography. Codes 396.3 and 396.8 are listed under the header "... Read more
Reader Questions:
75940 Is S&I Only
Question: My CPT manual lists "for procedure, use ..." notes with many supervision and int... Read more
Reader Questions:
Look Beyond CCI for Codes You Shouldn't Pair
Question: Sometimes I cannot find my two-code pair in the CCI edits. How do I know which c... Read more
You Be the Coder:
93510 and More Fit in Single 2011 Code
Question: If I used 93510, 93543, 93545, 93555, and 93556 for a procedure in 2010, how sho... Read more
CPT 2011:
37224-37227 Cover Your Femoral/Popliteal Revascularization Bases
CPT's definition of a 'single vessel' for this territory is an exception to the rule. Unl... Read more
CPT 2011 Errata:
93268-93272 Require Attended Surveillance -- Mark Your Guidelines Now
Plus: 93923 replaces 93922 in a key parenthetical note, and your index needs an update, t... Read more
News You Can Use:
Code 21 Applies for EP Use in April
New specialty code could help support visits to multiple MDs. For years, cardiology coder... Read more
Clip and Save:
93451-93461 Have You Confused? Check This At-A-Glance Guide
Start your 2011 code search here. Cardiology coding in 2011 looks nothing like it did in ... Read more
I10 Covers Essential Hypertension for ICD-10
This new monthly features helps you prepare for the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10. ICD-... Read more
Reader Questions:
93922 Applies to 3 Level Exam Sometimes
Question: I'm confused by the 2011 guidelines for 93922-93923. When should I report 93922... Read more
Reader Questions:
99281-99285 Don't Apply to Phone Call
Question: One of our patients presented to the ER. The ER physician called our cardiologi... Read more
Reader Questions:
414.2 Should Follow Atherosclerosis Code
Question: I heard at a conference that you shouldn't use 414.2 as a first-listed diagnosi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
93015 With 93040: Is It Possible?
Question: Is it possible to report a stress test and ECG for the same date of service? An... Read more
Available Years:  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  

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