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Cardiology Coding Alert
Cardiology Coding Alert
Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 11
Focus on PV:
Discover How Vascular Families Can Vary Your Selective Cath Coding Choices
Experts reveal the most overlooked services that you should be reporting You know you ca...
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Bust These 3 Myths to Streamline Modifier 59 Claims
Learn how you can save your claim department's time If you're still treating modifie...
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You Be the Expert:
Atherectomies in the Same Leg
Question: If a cardiologist performs atherectomy in the posterior tibial and tibioperonea...
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Clip and Save:
Stop Wasting Time Searching for Supervision Definitions
Quick quiz: Is level 01 general or direct supervision? You can finally crack the Medicare...
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Reader Question:
Keep Discharge Code on the Sidelines
Question: My cardiologist admitted a patient to the hospital. Later that same day, he dis...
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Reader Question:
Confirm Diagnosis Before You Report It
Question: If the cardiologist hasn't indicated ECG results in his final diagnosis, should...
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Reader Question:
Consider These CVP Coding Possibilities
Question: A physician placed a central venous pressure (CVP) line in one of the jugular v...
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Reader Question:
Find Out if Modifiers TC, 26 Can Occur on 2 Dates
Question: A patient underwent a diagnostic test on day one, but the cardiologist didn't p...
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Reader Question:
Inpatient Status Relies on Doctor's Decision
Question: My cardiologist admitted a patient on the 18th and then saw him on the 19th. Th...
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Reader Question:
Hold Your Horses for 2008 Fee Schedule
Question: I have the "2007 National Physician fee schedule Relative Value File" loaded o...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number12
Attack This Arteriogram, Angioplasty Scenario and Come Out Coding Both Services
See which catheter placement code you should use based on access site Your cardiologist ...
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You Be the Expert:
Does Pacemaker Placement Route Matter?
Question: I have an operative report for a dual pacemaker implant in which the cardiolog...
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Pay Attention to 5-Year Rule for Cardiovascular Screens
ABN protects you if patient forgets last screening date Medicare patients who report to ...
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Follow These 5 Routes to Modifier 22 Claim Success
You decide which services warrant the effort associated with modifier 22 Catc...
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Reader Question:
Don't Let Runoff Studies Run Away With You
Question: When coding for a right and left lower extremity arterial runoff, should I use...
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Reader Question:
Examine Cause for AICD Code
Question: An older male patient presented in our cardiology office complaining that his ...
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Reader Question:
Home In on Ultratag Kit HCPCS code
Question: What is the HCPCS code for an Ultratag kit that a provider will use during a mu...
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Reader Question:
Think You Can Report 2 E/Ms? Think Again
Question: A patient who was not feeling well came into the office, and the physician per...
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Reader Question:
Multiple Procedures Don't Always Mean Multiple Codes
Question: Our cardiologist's op report lists the following services: 1. removal of atrial...
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Reader Question:
Get Your Lead Codes Straight
Question: What code should I use for the removal of a CS lead? Code 33226 is for reposit...
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Reader Question:
Avoid Applying ICD-9 Codes Without Documentation
Question: My cardiologist documented the patient's hypertension as "uncontrolled." Does ...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 10
5 Coding Tips Clamp Down on Your Ablation Claim Errors and Add to Your Bottom Line
Learn what you should report for a transseptal approach Electrophysiology (EP) studies c...
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Tackle This 2-Day Nuclear Study Coding Challenge
Learn which date of service CMS says you should use If you're wondering how many dose...
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Make These Mod 25 Distinctions for Picture-Perfect Claims
Find out where to place your modifiers on the CMS-1500 form Mistakenly appending modifie...
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You Be the Expert:
Check Components First Before Using 93620
Question: Our electrophysiologist (EP) noted in an EP report that he performed a "compreh...
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Reader Questions:
Determine Downstream Vessel to Label Graft
Question: To code a particular vessel when the physician performs an angioplasty or stent...
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Reader Questions:
Erase ECG Claim Mishaps With These Guidelines
Question: Which guidelines must we follow when we bill an ECG? North Dakota Subscriber A...
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Reader Questions:
Doctor Decides Inpatient Status
Question: My cardiologist admitted a patient on the 18th and then saw him on the 19th. Th...
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Reader Questions:
Code Combos Don't Always Need Modifier 59
Question: If my cardiologist does a left heart cath, and then intervenes with a stent pla...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 9
Recalculate How You Should Report CCTA Codes -- Your Bottom Line Will Thank You
Find out what your cardiologist needs to document to substantiate your claim If you've g...
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Crack Your Cardiology PQRI Measures With This Advice
Experts warn that learning modifiers might be the trickiest part If your cardiology prac...
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Erase the Line Between Initial Visit, Inpatient E/M Coding
Same-day hospital admission may cut the office visit out of the equation Carriers are sc...
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You Be the Expert:
When You Can Report Angiography Add-On
Question: When may I report 75774? Indiana Subscriber Answer: In short, you may report +7...
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Reader Questions:
Ace Your Aneurysm Dx Coding
Question: Would you break down the ICD-9 codes I'm most likely to use for aortic aneurysm...
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Reader Questions:
Narrow Down Aortic/Mitral Valve Condition to 1 Dx
Question: The cardiologist ordered an echocardiogram-for a patient diagnosed with stenosi...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 8
CCI 13.2 Update ~ Adhere to These Catheterization, Endovascular Edits and End Up With a Perfect Claim
Overlooking modifier indicators is a big mistake When you're coding selective arterial cat...
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4 Steps Will Jump Start Your Myocardial Infarction Claims
Use this fifth digit when a patient with an MI is moved to a different location If you alw...
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Break Down Your ROS Wisdom and Reach High-Level Consults
Do you know what it takes for ROS to be 'complete'? If you want to capture the highest lev...
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You Be the Expert ~ Watch Other Procedures to Determine ICD Testing
Question: Our physician completed a charge ticket indicating implantable cardioverter defi...
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Reader Question ~ Venogram Is Not Separate From Insertion
Question: Can I bill a venogram with a CRT-D?Idaho Subscriber Answer: No, you should inclu...
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Reader Question ~ Face-to-Face is a Must for Medicare
Question: What is the best way to code for a family consult when the patient is not presen...
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Reader Question ~ Help Yourself With This Pacemaker How-To
Question: What exactly does a pacemaker consist of? I have a dual chamber permanent pacema...
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Reader Question ~ Ask These Questions for Follow-Up Angiographies
Question: When the physician does an interventional stent placement --" such as, in an ext...
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Reader Question ~ Tackle These Telemetry-at-Home Codes
Question: Our physicians are investigating doing reads for another company that supplies t...
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Reader Question ~ Know Toxicity Levels to Determine Rx Management
Question: According to the medical decision-making (MDM) section of an E/M visit and the t...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 7
On the Cutting Edge:
Gear Up for 2008 ICD-9 With This Sneak Peak of New Total Occlusion, Embolism Codes
Learn two coding options you'll be throwing out come Oct. 1 You won't be slammed with tons...
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Learn These Coronary Blood Flow Measurement 'Slang Terms'
The 2007 physician fee schedule raises your 93571-93572 reimbursement dollars If your card...
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Catch Coumadin Coding Mistakes Ahead of Time With This Advice
Even if a payer covers new codes, you may not be able to use them -- here's why If yo...
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You Be the Expert:
Can We Report 93015-26 for Stress Test?
Question: Our cardiologist performed a stress test on the treadmill, but we do not own the...
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Reader Question:
Confront This 'Courtesy' Equipment Issue
Question: If our cardiologist performs pacemaker and automatic implantable cardioverter/de...
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Reader Question:
Uncover Positive T-Wave Alternans Codes
Question: The patient had a positive result for T-wave alternans. What ICD-9 code should I...
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Reader Question:
Choose Single Code for Aortic/Mitral Valve Condition
Question: My cardiologist ordered an electrocardiogram for a patient diagnosed with stenos...
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Reader Question:
Get the Facts on Global Periods
Question: I see a lot of discussion about "global periods," but I cannot find anything in ...
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Reader Question:
How to Count Your Electrodes
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Reader Question:
Ask the Physician for Specific MI Dx
Question: The physician documented only "MI" for the patient's diagnosis. Can I report any...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 6
Vaporize IVUS Coding Mistakes by Putting These 3 Tips Into Practice
Experts explain how to recoup your practice's ultrasound payWhen cardiologists perform int...
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You Be the Expert:
Delineate Office Visit From Hospital Care
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Steer Your Cardiac Rehab Claims in the Right Direction
ABNs could be your saving grace--find out howTo report clean claims for your cardiac rehab...
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Think Prolonged Services Coding Is Too Complicated? Think Again
Learn what codes to use in both an inpatient and outpatient settingReporting prolonged ser...
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Use G0290 for Medicare Patients Only
Question: Should we report 92980 for a drug-eluting stent on a non-Medicare patient (inste...
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No Clarity? Kiss Your Kissing Balloon Claim Goodbye
Question: My cardiologist doesn't really clearly document his catheter placement when he p...
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Make Sure You Verify Each Dx Test Indication
Question: We capture charges and diagnoses for in-office diagnostic tests by routing the b...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 5
NCCI 13.1 Update:
Guard Against Denials by Implementing These Angioplasty Edits Now
Find out how edits affect HCPCS codes G0392 and G0393 Angioplasty codes didn't esc...
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Take These 2 Other NCCI 13.1 Cardio Edits to Heart
Pinpoint your modifier indicator for CCTA edits You've got more than angiography e...
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Avoid 3 Deadly Sins of Coronary Intervention Documentation
Discover why a 'shadow audit' could be your salvation If your arterial stent docume...
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Dodge Critical Care Mistakes by Dispelling 2 Myths
Here's what you need when reporting critical care--and what you don't A cardiologis...
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You Be the Expert:
Codes for Coronary Angiographies
Question: When using code 93508-26, should I use 93556 as well?Vermont SubscriberAnswer: Y...
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Reader Questions:
Check Global Period Before Using Modifier 57
Question: If the cardiologist admits a patient and inserts an automatic internal cardiove...
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Reader Questions:
Learn When You Can Use 93571
Question: Can intravascular Doppler (93571) be an add-on procedure during left heart cathe...
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Reader Questions:
Stress-Test Code Depends on Equipment, Involvement
Question: A morbidly obese patient who was having chest pains reported to the office for t...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 4
Focus on PV:
Ace Your Diagnostic Angiogram Coding -- Our Experts Show You How
3 exceptions allow you to report angiograms separately from prior ones If you're wonderi...
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3 Steps Sharpen Your Stress Test and E/M Coding Skills
Bonus: Learn 2 E/M pitfalls that could clog up claims You may not always have instances ...
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Clear Up Your Extra Time, Nurse Note Confusion With 2 FAQs
Find out if a patient's history form counts toward ROS, PSFH Your cardiologist's excessi...
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You Be the Expert:
Prepare for EKGs With Pacer Checks
Question: Can I charge a pacer check and an EKG on the same day? We are having problems w...
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Reader Question:
Use 2 Codes for Different Vascular Families
Question: My cardiologist performed a catheterization of the right vertebral (third order...
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Reader Question:
Sometimes SPECT/CT Doesn't Merit a CT Code
Question: I heard that if I perform a SPECT/CT and the CT portion of the system is singl...
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Reader Question:
Save Time by Crossing Out Unnecessary ABNs
Question: I recently started working at a practice that I think overuses ABNs. Can we ask...
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Reader Question:
How to Report Smoking Cessation Counseling
Question: We're not having much success getting payment for smoking cessation counseling ...
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Reader Question:
Don't Get Burned by EP Consultations
Question: If a patient presented in the office on one day for CAD (414.01) and comes back...
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Reader Question:
Include Carotid Massage in E/M Service
Question: I've looked in CPT for a code for carotid massage, but our physician says the c...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 3
Conquer Your Nuclear Medicine Claims by Mastering This Op Report
Hint: One code will depend on the setting Prepare for complicated nuclear medicine claims ...
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Clear Up Consult Confusion With 5 R's -- Not Just 3
If you fail to document the request, you could land in hot water If you're planning to sta...
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CMS ROUNDUP ~ Zip Through 4 New CMS Releases
Here's what the agency says about medically unlikely edits Keeping track of cardiology-rel...
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YOU BE THE EXPERT ~ EP Components for Ventricular Stimulation
Question: Can I bill for a ventricular stimulation and right ventricle recording with the ...
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READER QUESTION ~ Avoid Reporting Possible AAA Dx
Question: My cardiologist ordered a retroperitoneal ultrasound with the admitting diagnosi...
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READER QUESTION ~ How to Report LIMA, RIMA Bypass Grafts
Question: How should I bill for a left inferior mammary artery (LIMA) and right inferior m...
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READER QUESTION ~ Never Use 99211 With 90772
Question: If a patient pays for her medicine and goes to the clinic for the nurse to give ...
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READER QUESTION ~ Consider Intervention With Ostial LAD
Question: How should I code an intervention on an ostial LAD? Georgia Subscriber Answer: F...
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READER QUESTION ~ Avoid Half-Units of Adenosine
Question: If we use the entire vial of a 20-mg vial of adenosine during a nuclear study, h...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 2
NCCI 13.0 UPDATE ~ Apply These Epicardial Electrode Edits and Increase Your Coding Accuracy
Learn what good news you can apply to your E/M coding practices The overriding trend for N...
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NCCI 13.0 UPDATE ~ 4 Cardiac Imaging Procedures Make the NCCI Hit List
Red flag: The new fluoro codes aren't the only fluoro codes affected If you want the full ...
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AICD CODES, PART 2 ~ When You Remove a Component, 1 Code Won't Do The Trick
Tip: Ask yourself if the lead is the same or different Last month, you learned how to code...
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YOU BE THE EXPERT ~ Find Your Way to Correct Warfarin Codes
Question: I'm finding that Medicare is not accepting the new codes for Coumadin (warfarin)...
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READER QUESTION ~ Beware Explosion Codes
Question: What are explosion codes, and should we use them?Tennessee Subscriber Answer: Ex...
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READER QUESTION ~ Count Stent Codes Carefully
Question: If my cardiologist places drug eluting and non-drug eluting stents in the same v...
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READER QUESTION ~ Tackle This Tilt Table Challenge
Question: My cardiologist performed a tilt table test, and he waited 72 hours to repeat th...
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READER QUESTION ~ Zoom In on Supervision Requirements
Question: I just read the article "3 Steps Will Bolster Your Supervision Level Know-How" i...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 10, Number 1
AICD CODES, PART 1 ~ Perfect Your AICD Insertion, EP Eval and Upgrade Coding -- Here's How
Tip: You can report EP evaluations at the time of AICD insertions If you're overwhelmed b...
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CPT 2007 UPDATE ~ How to Decide Between New and Established Patient Status
Even if the patient has been to your office before, she might be new Proper coding for var...
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Master These Top-3 Modifier 25 Problems and Get Claims Paid
You may still need to apply modifier 25 with XXX global-day procedures You've only just st...
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Get Proper CMS-1500 Instructions Now
Find out how revised MLN article MM5060 affects you You don't want to miss this revision t...
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YOU BE THE EXPERT ~ Consider Intervention With LAD
Question: How should I code an intervention on an ostial LAD?Georgia SubscriberAnswer: Fir...
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READER QUESTION ~ Looking for Pseudoaneurysm Dx? Check Aneurysm
Question: My cardiologist documented a "pseudoaneurysm." What is it, and what diagnosis co...
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READER QUESTION ~ Count on These Calcium Scoring Codes
Question: Our hospital recently purchased a 64-slice CT scanner. Will we have reimbursemen...
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READER QUESTION ~ Be Aware of Modifier 51 Symbol
Question: Can I use modifier 51 with 36620 when my cardiologist performs a catheterization...
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READER QUESTION ~ You Have 2 Options for Arterial Thrombosis
Question: What diagnosis code should I use for arterial thrombosis?Wyoming Subscriber Answ...
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READER QUESTION ~ Planned vs. Unplanned Makes a Difference
Question: How does an unplanned vs. planned intervention change my coding? Tennessee Subsc...
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