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Cardiology Coding Alert
Cardiology Coding Alert
Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 12
CPT 2006 Update:
Modify Your Thrombectomy and Consult Coding Habits Before Jan. 1
Hint: You'll need to pay more attention to your 2-D reconstruction CT scan documenta...
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Debunk 3 Hypertension Myths That May Hurt Your Bottom Line
Learn why your cardiologist must specify primary or secondarySatisfying yourself with an u...
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Think You Know How to Use Critical Care Codes? Think Again
There's more to 99291-99292 than just what happens in the ICUDiscover two major pitfalls y...
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Confront These 3 Commonly Asked Critical Care Questions
Find out if you can report cardioversion separatelyIf you've got questions about coding cr...
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Dot the Modifier, Cross the TEE
Question: Medicare denied our claim, stating the place of service was invalid. Our cardiol...
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Observe the Observation Code Rules of the Road
Question: I am very confused about billing observation charges. I know to submit one charg...
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Attach Reason for No Exercise to J1245
Question: When billing J1245, do payers require a different diagnosis code than used with ...
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You Be the Coder:
Double the Stent, Double the Fee
Question: How would you code for stent placement in peroneal? The cardiologist also placed...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 11
3 Steps to Perfect Intracoronary Stent Placement Coding
Discover how the number of coronary artery repairs affects your claimFed up trying to unde...
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Coding Quiz:
Can You Code Intracoronary Stents? Test Yourself
Caution: The answer to scenario 3 may surprise youThink you've got intracoronary stent cod...
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Quiz Answers:
Intracoronary Stent Placement Answers Revealed
Hint: Avoid coding more than once for a vessel's sub-branchesAbsorb all the intracor...
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Think You Can Share Consults And Get the Full Fee? Think Again
Bonus: 2 special case studies show you which UPIN/PIN to use when When your cardiologist s...
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Dodge Denials by Getting the NCCI 11.3 Lowdown
Get ready for some administrative burden, thanks to a curious editIf you've got a handle o...
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Negotiating Health Insurance Contracts
Presented by Steven M. Verno, CMBSI Thank you, operator, welcome everybody to 'ne...
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Take the Cue From Modifier QR
Question: Who should be doing the data summation to the Q-Net? Is it the hospital or the p...
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Attempting to Use 93618? Read This First
Question: I have a question about the arrhythmia induction code 93618. Is it only for use ...
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Review Your Oximetry and Office Visit Claims
Question: Can I code for oximetry with an office visit?New York Subscriber Answer: Most ca...
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You Be the Coder:
How to Report Optiscan Injections
Question: Does a CPT code exist for a Doppler that uses optison, an isotope/contrast mater...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 10
Cast Off Your Cath Coding Confusion by Pairing Off 93508 and 93510
Cross the aortic valve? Then set your sails for 93510 Don't rock the boat when you're dec...
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Find Out How to Collect on Cardiology Consultations
Report in-house EP consultations with these documentation tips Don't allow your carriers t...
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Commit to 3 Easy Ways to Support All Consultations
Tip: Get your cardiologist to document who the requesting physician is You may think repor...
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Get to the Heart of 20 New VAD HCPCS Codes
Just because you don't code VADs now doesn't mean you won't in the future Have you...
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When You Should--and Should Not--Report Cath Codes
Tip: Treat intervention codes as a package deal You won't always report a diagnostic cath ...
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ICD-9 2006 Takes Effect Oct. 1
Have you got your new ICD-9 codes squared away? If not, you can refresh your coding knowle...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Sweat Coding Stress Tests
Question: My cardiologist went off-site to oversee a stress test but did not hook up the p...
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Reader Questions:
If Arteriogram Leads to Angioplasty, Code It
Question: The cardiologist performed a diagnostic arteriogram followed by balloon stent pl...
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You Be the Coder:
Ascending Aortogram on a Bovine-Arch Patient
Question: My cardiologist gained access from the right femoral artery and performed an asc...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 9
Be First on the Block to Receive Reimbursement For Remote Interrogation of Defibrillators
HInt: The date of service is the day your cardiologist interprets the dataIf your car...
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Detect Cardiac Monitoring Coding Errors Ahead of Time
Learn to report only the services your cardiologist actually performedWhen you're preparin...
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Clip and Save:
Don't Lose Heart Trying to Differentiate CPT's Cardiac Monitoring Series
Use this chart to report the right technology code every timeWhen a patient...
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News You Can Use:
Reporting Unlisted Codes for Coronary CTA? Read This First
The cat's out of the bag for coronary CTA Catego...
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Go With the Flow by Sticking to 4,000 Infusion G Code Edits
Warning: These edits could be the result of widespread abuseTread carefully when rep...
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ICD Coding
In the article titled "Start and Finish Your ICD Coding With This Solid Strategy" featured...
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Don't Let Injection Codes Burst Your Bubble Studies
Question: My practice just started doing bubble studies in the office, and I'm not sure wh...
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Avoid Despair Over Discharge Codes
Question: A cardiologist dictated a discharge summary to occur on one day, and we reported...
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Seek Situational Info for ICD Replacement
Question: A patient came in with an existing ICD. The cardiologist removed the ICD generat...
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Limit Your Imaging Procedures Codes
Question: My cardiologist performed a diagnostic cardiac catheterization. How should I rep...
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You Be the Coder:
Don't Leave Medical Necessity High and Dry
Question: Should I consider medical necessity when reporting angiograms? In my report, the...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 8
Be Certain Your Cardiac Device Claim Reimbursement Doesn't Skip a Beat
Hint: See how NCCI 11.2's edits change the way you report these servicesIf you've been rep...
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NCCI 11.2 Update:
Take 5 and Find Out How These 5 Cardio Edits Affect You
Mutually exclusive pairs mean you'll receive payment for lesser-valued codesIf you are not...
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Start and Finish Your ICD Coding With This Solid Strategy
Tip: Forgetting modifier QR could drop your claim into limbo landSeveral implantable cardi...
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Biggest Mistakes and Best Strategies for Heart Cath Coding Revealed
Presented by Jim Collins, CPC, CHCC The following supplement to Cardiology Coding Aler...
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Nail Down Doppler Documentation
Question: I seem to be having some trouble explaining to my cardiologist how to document f...
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Differentiate ICE Codes
Question: What are the codes for ICE (intracardiac echocardiography)?California subscriber...
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Avoid Going Crazy Over KZ
Question: Have you ever heard of modifier KZ? We have a claim being denied because we "fai...
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You Be the Coder:
Consider 93320 and 93325 With Color Flow
Question: Can I code 93320/93325 in addition to 93307, given the following documentation? ...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 7
Factor in New 2006 ICD-9 Codes in 5 Areas or Face Denials
Learn how to differentiate sleep apnea from paroxysmal nocturnal dyspneaFrom a QT syndrome...
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Clip and Save:
'Cheat Sheet' Your Way to Correct Cardiac Device Coding
Note: Don't forget to include fluoroscopy A "cheat sheet" kept within a...
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Coding Quiz:
Unlock Angiography Coding With the 'Location' Key
Hint: 2 different catheter sites may mean reporting an additional code If you're not sold ...
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Look to 429.3 for Hypertrophy
Question: What diagnosis code should I use for left ventricle hypertrophy? What about left...
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Can Still Claim Unsuccessful LV Lead Attempt
Question: If my cardiologist attempts to place an LV lead and fails, should I report this?...
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You'll Struggle Coding Add-on Angiojet Alone
Question: I'm looking at the angiojet code and see that it's an add-on code. If a cardiolo...
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Don't Bill Observation/Procedure on Same Day
Question: My cardiologist admitted a patient on the 18th and then saw him on the 19th. The...
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How to Report PTA/Stent to Left Subclavian
Question: My cardiologist performed a stent CX and PTA/stent to the left subclavian artery...
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Limit is 1 for Bypass Graft
Question: My cardiologist did aortocoronary-venous bypass graft angiography four times. I ...
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Differentiate Between 93641/93642
Question: What is the difference between 93641 and 93642?Michigan Subscriber Answer: How y...
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Venogram Is Not Separate From Insertion
Question: Can I bill a venogram with a CRT-D?Idaho Subscriber Answer: No, you should inclu...
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You Be the Coder:
Be Cautious When Reporting 93544
Question: How should I code all the parts of this procedure? My cardiologist performed:&nb...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 6
PV Op Report:
Determine the Order of the Selective Catheters Using Destination
Bolster your knowledge of coding multiple angiograms with this example If you're coding fo...
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Simplify Reporting Stress Tests With These 3 Tips
Learn which codes can - and can never - be broken Identifying the cardiovascular stress te...
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Combat Confusion by Comparing 78473 and 78494
Tip: Always ask, was this done at rest or stress? Are you confused about which multiple up...
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Clip and Save:
Break Down Cardiac Blood Pool Codes Using This Chart
Hint: One procedure with 2D pictures means 78472 Use this chart as a reference to make dif...
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Reader Questions:
Report Units Used, Units Discarded
Question: How should I report Adenosine administration when the patient receives a 40-mg i...
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Reader Questions:
Check for ICE Catheterization
Question: What are the CPT codes for patent foramen ovale (PFO) and atrial septal defect (...
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Reader Questions:
Tack on -24 for E/M Outside Global
Question: One of my cardiologist's patients has an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator fo...
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Reader Questions:
Avoid 75625 for Bilateral Selective Renal
Question: I think I goofed and reported 36245, 75724, and 75625 together. I changed the 75...
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Reader Questions:
Secure Pay for Subclavian Cath Placements
Question: When my cardiologist performs a heart catheterization, can I also code and bill ...
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You Be the Coder:
Stent Placement After Heart Cath
Question: If my cardiologist does a left heart cath, then intervenes with a stent placemen...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 5
Differentiate SPECT, MUGA, and First Pass Codes for a Formidable Bottom Line
Plus: A simple trick for identifying and coding first pass studiesIf you're having a tough...
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Grab On to G Codes for Welcome-to-Medicare ECGs
Warning: You won't be paid for G0366 and G0367 in a facility settingWhen your cardiologist...
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News You Can Use:
Avoid G0275 and G0278 Selective Studies
Revert back to the 2004 rulesIf you've been wondering how to interpret the 2005 HCPCS defi...
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Coding Quiz:
Can You Answer These Stress Test FAQ?
Hint: You'll only append modifier -25 to E/M codesThere's no need to stress when it comes ...
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In the February 2005 issue of Cardiology Coding Alert, in the story titled "Get Ready...
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OIG Physician Targets for 2005:
Real-World Compliance Strategies
Presented by Kristine Eckis The following supplement to Cardiology Coding Alert is the tra...
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Q & A Session
Question: Yes, I was wondering if the bell curves that were mentioned that CMS does ...
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Review the CAS Coverage Decision Again
Question: How should we interpret the new Medicare coverage decision for carotid artery st...
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Use G Codes for IV Infusion of Medicare Patients
Question: My cardiologist saw a Medicare patient who had very low blood pressure, so he ha...
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Opt for the Unlisted-Procedure Code for Angio-Jet
Question: How should I report Angio-Jet in the legs? Should I use the unlisted- procedure ...
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List V Codes With Reason for Surgery
Question: Is there a specific diagnosis code for pre-op surgical clearance, or should I si...
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You Be the Coder:
Modifier -59 Can Show Diagnostic Study
Question: How should I code the following scenario: The cardiologist's starting point was ...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 4
3 Easy Ways to Identify the Correct Catheter Code
Plus: Find out whether you should use -50, -RT, -LT and/or -59 for catheter placemen...
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Optimize Your Nuclear Study Reimbursement With Modifier -26
Check differing hospital policies for who can report S&I If you're wondering whether ...
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Jump Start Your Cardiac Device Coding With This Chart
Meet your new best coding tool that tackles pacemakers to CRT-Ps Forego fretting over codi...
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Reader Questions:
You May Have Trouble Reporting 414.01
Question: I reported 414.01 for a right and left heart cath and received a denial. The pat...
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Reader Questions:
Not Alone When It Comes to MPI Denials
Question: We are reporting 78465, 78478 and 78480 along with radiopharmaceuticals and trea...
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Reader Questions:
Include Ankle-Brachial Indexes With E/M
Question: Can I report ankle-brachial indexes separately from an E/M code? Maine Subscribe...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Report 2 Units for Multiple Studies
Question: Are these the correct modifiers and quantity to report a nuclear stress test: tw...
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Reader Questions:
Change Your MI Lingo
Question: What is the diagnosis code for Q-wave myocardial infarction (MI)?Idaho Subscribe...
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Reader Questions:
Look Here for a NIPS of Pacemaker Code
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Reader Questions:
Don't Forget to Replace G0001 in 2005
Question: Which code replaced G0001?Rhode Island Subscriber Answer: HCPCS 2005 deleted G00...
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Reader Questions:
Equate Pseudoaneurysm With Aneurysm for Dx
Question: My cardiologist documented a "pseudoaneurysm." What is it, and which diagnosis c...
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You Be the Coder:
Know if Your Cardiologist Moves Leads
Question: Which procedure code should I use when the cardiologist moves an ICD from the le...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 3
On the Cutting Edge:
Alert Your EPs of Medicare's Criteria Changes for 33249
Follow this expert advice on adjusting your documentation to avoid auditsYour chances of a...
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Forget Appeals and Forego Denials With New ICD Criteria
Throw out your old QRS requirements and arm yourself with these new elementsYou can master...
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Be Careful Reporting Stent and AAA Repair 'T' Codes
You've got a batch of edits to learn, but you can use a modifier Category III cod...
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Are You Next on the Feds' List?
If more than 35 percent of your ICDs are dual-chamber, you could be raising a red flag The...
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Be Sure About the Kind of Echo
Question: My cardiologist wants to perform a bi-ventricular optimization echo interrogatio...
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Same Specialty, Same Day, Don't Code
Question: We have a "moonlighter" cardiologist who will admit a patient at 2 a.m. for one ...
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Look to the Word 'Electrode(s)' for 33234, 33235
Question: In the February 2005 Cardiology Coding Alert, the "You Be the Coder" scenario st...
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Don't Equate Good Practice With Return
Question: I have been reporting 76937 for ultrasound access during a heart cath. If we use...
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Determine Units by Dosage
Question: If we're supposed to report J1245 per 10-unit increment and the technician injec...
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You Be The Coder:
Include Radiological S&I
Question: I know that CPT considers the common femoral and superficial femoral two vessels...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 2
Attack Fourth and Fifth Digits for Myocardial Infarction Dx
Avoid using 'unspecified' by investigating chart Rather than falling back on an unspecifie...
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Improve Your Subsequent Hospital Care Coding
Everything the cardiologist does can contribute to greater MDM When you find yourself assi...
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News You Can Use:
Be Sure to Cover Your Bases For ICD Claims
Whether lower-end or advanced devices, you'll still use 33249 Reimbursement is likely to b...
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Reader Questions:
Add -26 to SPECT Stress Test at Hospital
Question: Which codes should I use for a SPECT myocardial perfusion stress test done in th...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Report Insertion or Femoral Angio
Question: My cardiologist has recently started using an Angio-Seal device on patients havi...
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Reader Questions:
For Consult in ED, Use 9924x
Question: If a cardiologist sees a patient in the ED before the patient is admitted, shoul...
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Reader Questions:
3 Codes Cover Vein, Mammary Grafts
Question: My cardiologist wants to report 75774 for the interpretation of saphenous vein g...
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Reader Questions:
Avoid Echo, Myocardial Imaging Confusion
Question: The descriptor of 93350 says the cardiologist does the echocardiography during t...
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Reader Questions:
Base Codes on Cath Repositioning
Question: My cardiologist performed an abdominal aortogram with iliofemoral runoffs with v...
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You Be the Coder:
Pacemaker and ICD Implantations
Question: Are codes 75820 and 36005 bundled into a pacemaker (PM) and implantable cardiove...
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Cardiology Coding Alert - 2005; Volume 8, Number 1
Delete This Edit to Solve Your Diagnostic EP Coding Challenges
NCCI 11.0 deletes 2 mutually exclusive edits that have burdened your practice The latest v...
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Get Ready to Change Your Repair and Stent Coding
Neglecting indicators '1' and '0' could incite denials You know the routine: Your cardiolo...
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Deterred by Insufficient CAD Documentation? Read This First
Don't be lax in coding the highest level of specificity If your cardiologist sees a patien...
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Gain 414.0x Coding Confidence With This Chart
If CAD is a graft but you don't know the type, use 414.05 If you find coding coronar...
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In the November 2004 edition of the Cardiology Coding Alert, on page 15 of the supplement,...
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You Be the Expert:
Should You Factor Patient's Status?
Question: During an office visit, my doctor performed an expanded problem-focused history,...
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Bonus Question:
Improve Your Prescription Drug Documentation
Find out what CMS has to say about the management options category Calculating a patient's...
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Reader Questions:
Selective Injection and Interp Means 75774
Question: Using a right groin stick (right common iliac artery), the cardiologist performe...
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Reader Questions:
How to Code Consult for Observation Pt
Question: Another doctor asked my cardiologist for a consult. He saw a patient who had bee...
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Reader Questions:
Learn Viable Codes for Viability Studies
Question: What codes should I use for "viability studies"?Alabama SubscriberAnswer: You're...
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Reader Questions:
Temp Pacemaker One Day, Permanent the Next
Question: We have a patient who was seen in consultation, and on the same day the cardiolo...
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Reader Questions:
Find Second Code for IVC Filter Placement
Question: Is there another code that goes along with 75940-26 for the placement of the IVC...
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Reader Questions:
Exclude ICD Testing From Global
Question: I now use 93641 for electrophysiologic (EP) testing of ICD leads/generator at th...
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Reader Questions:
Use Modifier -57 for Global Days
Question: When should I use modifier -57? I know the modifier definition is "decision for ...
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Reader Question:
Let the Elements Drive Your History Documentation
Question: The chart that physicians use to select the level of history includes identifier...
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You Be the Coder:
Re-Explantation and Revision
Question: We have a patient who had a dual-chamber pacemaker system inserted by one of our...
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Available Years: