Cardiology Coding Alert

Peripheral Vascular Coding Update:
Code Cath 'Intent' to Secure $250 in Selective Services Pay
Hint: Watch catheter shaping procedures When cardiologists catheterize peripheral vascular... Read more
4 Tips Help Reel In Your Cardiac Rehab Pay
Showing doctor involvement clinches $15 per session To report clean claims for your cardi... Read more
Here's How to Get All You Deserve for Shared Visits
Use NPPs and stop forfeiting $$$ for missed cardio consults and procedures If your cardiol... Read more
NCCI 10.1 Update:
Go Ahead and Delete the 36140/93501 Bundle
You won't lose any sleep trying to figure out how to implement the latest round of Nationa... Read more
Use ABNs if You Think Medicare Might Not Pay
ABNs are required before billing a patient the remainder of a Medicare bill If you aren't ... Read more
You Be The Expert:
ABNs and Uncovered Medicare Services
Question: Our office obtains advance beneficiary notices (ABNs) each time there is some do... Read more
Reader Question:
Identify Downstream Vessel to Label Graft
Question: To code a particular vessel when the physician performs an angioplasty or stent ... Read more
Reader Question:
Make Sure You Verify Each Dx Test Indication
Question: We capture charges and diagnoses for in-office diagnostic tests by routing the b... Read more
Reader Question:
Want to Bill 93620? Tally the Components First
Question: Our electrophysiologist (EP) noted in an EP report that he performed a "comprehe... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow the CMS Definition of 'Deliver'
Question: Since the purpose of an ABN is to inform the patient about a service, our office... Read more
You Be The Coder:
PTCA, Stenting, and Cutting Balloon
Question: We have a coronary intervention operative report indicating that the physician p... Read more
Boost Your Echo Knowledge With Congenital Heart Disease Codes
Knowing how to code congenital TTE and TEE can make all the differenceYou can code echocar... Read more
You Can Use Congenital Echo For Any Anomaly ...
... even if of little clinical value Do the results of a regular echocardiogram show a con... Read more
Purchasing Power Changes Rules for Modifiers -26 and -TC
Avoid false claims by signifying purchased technical componentsIf your cardiologist perfor... Read more
News You Can Use:
AMA Releases 2005 CPT Category III Codes
You'll have to learn two new codes that don't conform to the usual rules by the time Jan. ... Read more
Reader Question:
Bubble Studies Same as Echocardiogram in Hospital
Question: My cardiologist performed a bubble study with a full echocardiogram. Do carriers... Read more
Reader Question:
What to Do When 2 Physicians Perform an Endograft as Cosurgeons
Question: How should I code an abdominal aortic aneurysm with more than one physician? Sho... Read more
Reader Question:
You Can Report a Low-Level E/M With Coumadin Test
Question: My cardiologist performed a finger-stick Coumadin test. Can I report a low-level... Read more
Reader Question:
Direct Supervision for Tilt Table Tests
Question: The August 2004 edition of Cardiology Coding Alert ran a story about tilt table ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Second-Day Radiopharmaceuticals
Question: If a patient returns on a second day for the resting or stress portion of a SPEC... Read more
Put TDI, Color Flow in Your AV Optimization Package
Scan the note for these study details to recoup all of your payWhen physicians perform atr... Read more
Peripheral Vascular Basics:
Here's How to Report Multiple Caths in Selective Sites
It all comes down to vascular families, experts sayYou know you can't report nonselective ... Read more
Billing E/M and Diagnostic Services Together?
Use 3 tips to fine-tune your test reportingWhen your cardiologist provides an E/M service ... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Pre-Cath E/M Services After PCP Referral
Question: A patient's primary-care physician (PCP) sent a patient straight to a heart cath... Read more
Reader Question:
Ventricular Stimulation Requires Separate EP Components
Question: Can I bill for a ventricular stimulation and right ventricle recording with the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Be Sure Angiography With Stent is Diagnostic
Question: When billing for a cardiac stent, should I automatically report the radiology co... Read more
Reader Question:
Verify That Extremity Angiogram Is Unilateral
Question: When performing a left heart catheterization, the physician stated that he also ... Read more
Reader Question:
Determine Observation or Inpatient Status
Question: Which E/M codes should I report for outpatient admissions? I need to know how to... Read more
You Be The Coder - Replacing Dual Pacer Generator and Atrial Lead
Question: Our physician recently replaced a generator on a dual system pacemaker for end o... Read more
HCPCS 2004 Clarifies G0275, G0278
If you were wondering whether HCPCS codes G0275 and G0278 were for selective or nonselecti... Read more
Are You Up to Speed on AV Optimization?
Full-study echos with Dopplers pay $291 If your practice is offering AV optimization - a ... Read more
NCCI 9.3 Aftermath:
How to Bill Selective and Nonselective Caths Together
Are your peripheral vascular (PV) coding methods out of date? Changes are coming down fast... Read more
NCCI 10.0:
Get the Scoop on AAA Prosthesis Bundles
After the monumental changes to nonselective and selective catheterization coding in the l... Read more
Reader Question:
Distinguish Between Recording and Pacing
Question: What's the difference between recording and pacing during an electrophysiologic ... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Separate E/M During Global Periods
Question: What services are included in pacemaker and internal cardioverter-defibrillator ... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Report 99255 More Than Once
Question: If I report 99255 more than once for the same patient on different days, Medicar... Read more
Reader Question:
Track Beta-Blocker Therapy With Category II Codes
Question: Our practice is conducting a study on beta-blocker therapy. Should we use the ne... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Initial Arrhythmia Attempts Unsuccessful
Question: I have an electrophysiology (EP) study that indicates pacing from the right atri... Read more
CPT 2004:
Get Ready for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Prosthesis, Venous Access Code Changes
Although CPT 2004 doesn't bring substantial changes for cardiology coders, you'll have a n... Read more
Understand MADIT II Coverage
You could be coding a lot more ICD implant procedures soon. New guidelines for ICD implant... Read more
Want to Improve Your ICD Implant Coding? Here's How
Get ready to code more internal cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implants in the coming ... Read more
4 Tips Help You Master LV Lead Implant Basics
If patients in your practice meet MADIT II coverage criteria for ICD implants, they may al... Read more
News You Can Use:
You Could Recoup Pay for Your 33215 Billing
If you're wondering about pay for right atrium and right ventricular lead repositioning (3... Read more
News Flash:
Medicare Reform 2004: Look for Cardio Impact
Instead of the 4.5 percent cut you've been bracing for, your cardiology practice could ben... Read more
Reader Question:
Refrain From 99211 for Protime Checks
Question: We bill 85610 for Protime and 99211 for a Protime encounter in our office. The n... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Kissing Balloons Once
Question: What is a coronary kissing balloon and how should I code the procedure?New York ... Read more
Reader Question:
Append Modifier for EKG Service
Question: What code should I append a modifier to if the cardiologist performed an electro... Read more
Reader Question:
Watch NP Involvement in Stress Tests
Question: We would like to open our nuclear imaging department earlier than the rest of th... Read more
Reader Question:
Bill for Post-Cath Discharges
Question: Our cardiologist performed discharge services after he performed a left heart ca... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Interp Only for Cardiolite Test
Question: Our physician interpreted a cardiolite stress test done at the hospital. He did ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Reporting a Transseptal Heart Cath
Question: The cardiologist documented a "trans-septal puncture" procedure. What can you te... Read more
Billing Open Septal Defect Repair Codes With 93580-93581? Not So Fast
NCCI 10.2 bundles septal defect codes from the 30000 series with those from the 93580 seri... Read more
Coding Diagnostic Test for Unexplained-Syncope Patients
If your cardiologist administers diagnostic tests to patients with syncope (or "fainting")... Read more
4 Steps to Tilt-Table Coding Perfection
If you're billing pharmacological intervention with 93660 in a hospital, think again If y... Read more
Peripheral Vascular Coding Primer:
Failed Angioplasty Results May Warrant Stent Deployment Codes
You must meet certain conditions to bill angioplasty and stent placement of same lesion Su... Read more
Take Steps to Reduce Denials for Teaching Physician Services
4 techniques can clarify confusing Medicare guidelines When a cardiologist works as a "tea... Read more
You Be the Expert:
TP Rules and Med Students
Question: I've heard about the new teaching physician (TP) guidelines and was wondering w... Read more
Reader Question:
Code a Direct LDL Beyond Lipid Profile
Question: Is it appropriate to report a direct LDL beyond the calculated LDL included in ... Read more
Reader Question:
Atherectomies Resemble Cutting Balloons
Question: My cardiologist performed a cutting balloon atherectomy to the right femoral ar... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose 93307 for Comprehensive TTE
Question: Is it correct to use 93307 for normal echocardiograms and 93321 for transthorac... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Review ECG Coding Guidelines
Question: Which guidelines must we follow when we bill an ECG? Ohio Subscriber Answe... Read more
The $550 Question:
Think 93307 Is a 1-Size-Fits-All TTE Code? Think Again
Overlooking add-on codes may cost you You can collect the $550 you deserve for transthorac... Read more
Ask Yourself 4 Questions Before You Bill Intra-Office Consults
Learn the '3 R's' concept before you report consults within the same practice If you're wr... Read more
News You Can Use:
ICD-9 Introduces New CRP and Aspirin-Use Codes
Don't skip the fine print with new diagnosis codes The new edition of ICD-9 just made co... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Stop at 1 Code When Reporting Pacer Upgrade
Question: My cardiologist took out an old dual-chamber pacemaker generator, replaced it w... Read more
Reader Question:
Global Days Do Matter
Question: I understand that we should report modifier -57 when a physician decides during... Read more
Reader Question:
Outpatient Codes Aren't for Office Visits Only
Question: Our cardiologist was recently on-call for the emergency department (ED). The ED... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose 75625-75630 for Abdominal Aortography
Question: My cardiologist performed an abdominal aortography and discovered no evidence o... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Does Incident-to Apply When PA Supervises?
Question: Can I bill 99211 for a physician assistant (PA) acting as a supervising physici... Read more
Get Your Dx Right for 93798 and Cash in on Cardiac Rehab
Don't forfeit $10 per session by overlooking ECG monitoringIf your practice offers cardiac... Read more
Recoup Hundreds for Your Distal Protection Services
Wowing your payers with loads of good evidence is the keyYou can persuade payers to reimbu... Read more
News Flash:
Report 33234/33235 for LV Lead Removals
Don't forfeit $500 for unreported work With no CPT code for left ventricular (LV)... Read more
Use Noted 3 for Interventions In Other Coronaries
Let carrier LCDs steer you in the right directionWhen your cardiologist performs intervent... Read more
Reader Question:
You'll Need Both Codes for Femoral/Popliteal Work
Question: What advice can you offer for a Medicare hearing appeal for two angioplasties in... Read more
Reader Question:
Be Wary About Modifier -22 With LHC
Question: One of our physicians wants to add modifier -22 to a left heart catheterization ... Read more
Reader Question:
Know Toxicity Levels to Determine Rx Management
Question: According to the medical decision-making (MDM) section of an E/M visit and the t... Read more
Reader Question - Extremity Studies With Heart Caths:
Here's What to Bill
Question: When should I use the new HCPCS G codes for extremity artery studies, and when s... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Look for Color Flow in Echo Reports
Question: Our physician's echocardiographic report lists measurements for a typical two-di... Read more
You've Got Myocardial Perfusion Questions?
Add-on codes 78478 and 78480 may pay the same, but they describe very different procedure... Read more
PV Coding Basics:
Can You Distinguish a Selective
With a $100 difference at stake, make sure you've got the right code When your cardiologi... Read more
It's Not Just for Nurses
Learn 99211's requirements to decide whether your patient visits warrant it Because cardi... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Hold Your Breath for Pulse Oximetry Pay
Question: Will insurers reimburse us for pulse oximetry if we perform it with other ... Read more
Reader Question:
Report 92950 for CPR Administration
Question: Our cardiologist was making rounds at the hospital today when he responded to a... Read more
Reader Question:
Get the Word on Venipuncture With E/M Service
Question: We normally report 36415 when patients present for Coumadin treatment, but our ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Can We Report Fluoro During Lead Insertion?
Question: Would you clarify the difference between fluoroscopy codes 76000 and 71090? We ... Read more
CPT 2005:
Simplify Carotid Stent Coding With 37215 and 37216
Also, 78990's deletion means you'll be reporting A9500 a lot more   If yo... Read more
Vascular Changes Bring New AAA Repair Codes
When you read op reports for endovascular repairs, you'll now have to read more closely th... Read more
Beta-Blocker Therapy Code Renumbered to 4006F
Some HMOs require Category IIs to meet treatment protocols As of Jan. 1, you'll ha... Read more
Withstand Modifier -59 Scrutiny With This Advice
Be sure your documentation supports separating services Adding modifier -59 to a National... Read more
Reader Questions:
33225 Is an Add-On Code to 33240
Question: A patient who has a previous biventricular implantable cardiac defibrillator und... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code IABP for Hemodynamic Support
Question: Can I report an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) for hemodynamic support at the ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Out Dx for Atypical Chest Pain
Question: Which diagnosis code should I use for "atypical" chest pain?Georgia Subscriber ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Coding 2 Atherectomies in the Same Leg
Question: If a physician performs atherectomy in the posterior tibial and tibioperoneal tr... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use 794.31 for Prolonged QTc Interval
Question: My cardiologist documented a prolonged QTc interval. What diagnosis code should ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Does 93556 Cover S&I of Grafts?
Question: My cardiologists report 75774 for supervision and interpretation of saphenous ve... Read more
Reader Questions:
How to Report Tissue Doppler Imaging
Question: How should I report tissue Doppler imaging (TDI)? Is this just a regular echocar... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Correct Carotid Angiography Codes
Question: What are the correct codes for a cerebral carotid angiography? Should I use the ... Read more
NCCI 10.3 Takes Aim at PV Procedures
                Find out which diagnostic supervis... Read more
Shed Light on Gray Areas of Hospital Transfer Coding
GAO's correct and complete response leaves out 4 factors The question of how to code a ph... Read more
Imaging Guidance Now Included In Cath Exchange
NCCI also affects IVC filter, tilt table, and consult codes The National Correct Coding In... Read more
2 Quick Tips for Denial-Free EPS Coding
Revealed: How catheter placement determines your coding choices Don't let coding ... Read more
Forfeiting Payment for Related EP Procedures:
Are You at Risk?
Get the lowdown on coding left-side approaches and 3-D mapping If you use comprehensive el... Read more
You Be the Expert:
Recording and Pacing
Question: Typically, payers bundle the physician's recording and pacing services into the ... Read more
Reader Question:
ICD Reprogramming Requires Necessity
Question: My cardiologist saw a patient with a single-chamber internal cardioverter-defibr... Read more
Reader Question:
Feel Free to Use Both 93508 and 93501
Question: My cardiologist performed a coronary angiography and measured right heart pressu... Read more
Reader Question:
Remember Modifier -59 for A-Line
Question: Can I report and receive reimbursement for an A-line during a four-wire electrop... Read more
Reader Question:
Seek Proper Code for Telemetery-at-Home
Question: Our physicians are looking into doing reads for another company that supplies th... Read more
Reader Question:
How to Code a Radial Artery Graft
Question: My cardiologist performed a radial artery graft angiography during a cardiac cat... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Confuse ICD Implants and Comprehensive EPS
Question: When the cardiologist performs an EP test of an internal cardioverter-defibrilla... Read more
You Be The Coder:
CT Angiograms
Question: Which codes should I use for CT angiograms? And how should I differentiate betwe... Read more
The Spotlight's on Holter Monitors - Can You Withstand Scrutiny?
 4 expert tips help you realize long-term EKG reimbursement To code 24- or 48-hour Ho... Read more
Prepare Yourself for Varied EKG Monitoring Test Durations
Although all relevant codes describe 24-hour EKG monitoring, sometimes services may be pro... Read more
It's up to You to Know the Rules of -22 and -57
 96 percent of the time, CMS call centers won't be of any help When appending modifie... Read more
News You Can Use:
Your Carotid Stent Coverage Dreams Are Coming True
Guidant gets approval, and you'll get new CPT codes You can expect new CPT codes for ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Report the Cath Placement With Planned Intervention
Question: My cardiologist performed an atherectomy, a PTA (multiple inflation of the ballo... Read more
Reader Questions:
How to Report an Office Follow-up in Addition to a Pacemaker Check
Question: My cardiologist inserted a pacemaker into a patient at the hospital. After a mon... Read more
Reader Questions:
Test the ICD Threshold? Report 93641 for EP Study
Question: My cardiologist removed an ICD lead, replaced it with a new one, and then tested... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Angiography on a Medicare Patient? Look to G0275 and G0278
Question: My cardiologist states, "The common iliac artery was tortuous on the right side,... Read more
Available Years:  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  

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