You Be the Coder:
What Is the Correct Code for TAP?
Published on Thu Apr 02, 2009
Question: What exactly is a "tap block," and what code do I use? Missouri Subscriber Answer: A transverse abdominus plane (TAP) block is typically used for post-operative pain management following major abdominal surgery. Your provider may also use it as an adjunct to his anesthesia for abdominal laparoscopic procedures. If performed for postoperative pain management, report CPT 64450 (Injection, anesthetic agent; other peripheral nerve or branch). Another option is 64421 (Injection, anesthetic agent; intercostal nerves,multiple, regional block). Watch out: If the block is used as part of the anesthesia -- not for post-operative pain management -- do not report it separately from the anesthesia services code.A TAP block is particularly useful for patients where an epidural is contraindicated or refused. The TAP can be performed unilaterally (for example, for an appendectomy), or bilaterally when the incision crosses the midline (such as a Pfannenstiel incision). A single injection can be utilized, or a [...]