Anesthesia Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:


Question: Our anesthesiologist wants to charge for a spirometry in addition to the anesthesia for the procedure he performs. Is this legitimate?

Kansas Subscriber

Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at the box below for the answer.

Answer: The national Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) directives for code 94010 (spirometry, including graphic record, total and timed vital capacity, expiratory flow rate measurement[s], with or without maximal voluntary ventilation) do not preclude billing spirometry with anesthesia procedural codes. Many anesthesiologists include the charge for spirometry with an office visit, but you might be able to bill for it separately if you prove medical necessity and the anesthesiologist interprets the graphic record from the test. Consider these items before billing spirometry:

Remember that spirometry is a diagnostic tool and not a baseline monitoring mechanism.

The spirometry procedure includes both the graphic record and timed vital capacity, so these services must be provided before billing 94010.

If you meet the requirement in the second bullet and can justify medical necessity, it is legitimate to charge for spirometry, except with carriers that consider it bundled.

You cannot charge for spirometry with anesthesia unless the medical necessity is included in your states local medical review policy .

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