Anesthesia Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Pulsed RF With Dorsal Root, Nerve Blocks

Question: Our physician performed multi-level lumbar dorsal root ganglion and selected nerve root blocks with pulsed radiofrequency. How should I report the procedure, considering the pulsed radiofrequency?

Wisconsin Subscriber

Answer: Most coders recommend 64999 (Unlisted procedure, nervous system) for dorsal root ganglion blocks, but that perspective can change when the physician completes pulsed radiofrequency during the same session. In that situation, report 64622 (Destruction by neurolytic agent, paravertebral facet joint nerve; lumbar or sacral, single level) instead for the first level and +64623 (- lumbar or sacral, each additional level [list separately in addition to code for primary procedure]) for each additional level.

Also verify that you-re reporting an appropriate diagnosis. Most carriers accept 724.8 (Other symptoms referable to back) and 756.12 (Spondylolisthesis) for pulsed radiofrequency, but code according to your physician's notes.

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