Anesthesia Coding Alert

Take Note of Unit Values

Even if codes remain the same from one version of CPT to the next, it's important to check whether any base values have changed.

Anesthesia codes 00797 (Anesthesia for intraperi-toneal procedures in upper abdomen including laparoscopy; gastric restrictive procedure for morbid obesity) and +01968 (Anesthesia for cesarean delivery following neuraxial labor analgesia/anesthesia [list separately in addition to code for primary procedure performed]) were two new codes assigned temporary unit values last year. Their final values of 7 and 2 units, respectively, were published as part of the final 2003 Medicare Fee Schedule.

Another code of interest is 00540 (Anesthesia for thoracotomy procedures involving lungs, pleura, diaphragm, and mediastinum [including surgical thoracoscopy]; not otherwise specified). Its unit value has dropped for 2003, from 13 units to 12.

Coders previously reported one lung ventilation with 00540, but CPT 2003 added a new code specifically for this 00541 ( utilizing one lung ventilation). Code 00540's base value was adjusted to reflect this change because it will no longer be used to report one lung ventilation.



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Anesthesia Coding Alert

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