Anesthesia Coding Alert

Reimbursement Update:

Medicare Fees Will Remain at 2005 Amounts

Congress passes bill keeping conversion factor the same

Coders in every specialty received good news in early February: The House of Representatives had passed the budget bill, meaning the Medicare conversion factor (CF) would not change.

The CF will remain 37.8975, instead of the reduced rate of 36.1770 announced late last year.

At our newsletter's press time, President Bush still had not signed the bill but was expected to do so.

Signing the bill would make the change retroactive to include services beginning Jan. 1, 2006.

What should you do about those claims from early in the year that Medicare reimbursed at the lower rate?  

Nothing -- which could be the best news for you as a coder.

CMS promised that carriers would be able to transition to the 2005 fee rates within two days after the legislation was enacted. Because of that, you won't need to refile claims to get correctly reimbursed.

Medicare carriers will calculate the amount they should reimburse you for early-year services and will repay you with a lump sum this summer.

Stayed tuned for more updates as the changes go into effect.

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