Anesthesia Coding Alert


Yes, a CRNA Can Bill 01996

Question: Can I report code 01996 for daily management of an epidural if a CRNA performed the service? (The CRNA is employed by my anesthesiologist, if that matters.)

Vermont Subscriber

Answer: Yes, you can bill for placement and follow-up of a postoperative pain management epidural whether the physician or a CRNA provides the service.

Remember, however, that you cannot bill for it on the first day of post-op care (or for any follow-up days) if the epidural was used for any portion of anesthesia delivery during the procedure.

You will typically report follow-up days with 01996 (Daily hospital management of epidural or subarachnoid continuous drug administration). For more information on coding for post-op epidurals for pain management, read "Investigating Details Helps You Get Paid for Post-Op Pain Epidurals" on page 1 of this issue of Pain Management Coding Alert.

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