Anesthesia Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Verify Guides for CRNA as Locum Tenens

Question: One of our CRNAs will be on extended medical leave, so the group wants to hire a locum to fill in. I thought CRNAs could not serve as a locum tenens or have a locum tenens physician fill in for them. Now one of our carrier representatives says a CRNA can serve as a locum tenens, although she's not completely sure the claims will be paid. How should I handle this?

Wisconsin Subscriber

Answer: A few states might allow CRNAs to serve as locum tenens, but most do not. In the states that do not, only physicians may report modifier -Q6 (Service furnished by a locum tenens physician).

Your group will need sufficient time for the CRNA to sign a Reassignment of Benefits from Medicare. Other carriers to consider are Champus/Tricare, Medicaid, and Blue Shield (if applicable for your state) and any other payers that contractually require a CRNA to submit under his own provider number.
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