Anesthesia Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Verify Details Before Coding Labial Repair

Question: Which surgical and anesthesia codes apply to labial repair (labial minora hypertrophy)?

Missouri Subscriber

Answer: Verify the type of repair before coding for it, because that will help determine your best choice. 

Potential options include 15839 (Excision, excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue; other area) and 56810 (Perineoplasty, repair of perineum, nonobstetrical [separate procedure]). Both of these codes cross to 00400 (Anesthesia for procedures on the integumentary system on the extremities, anterior trunk and perineum; not otherwise specified).

Heads-up: Code 56810 includes the note "For repair of wounds to genitalia, see 12001-12007, 12041-12047, 13131-13133)." One of these codes might be more accurate once you determine the type of repair. If so, you'll report the anesthesia with 00300 (Anesthesia for all procedures on the integumentary system, muscles and nerves of head, neck, and posterior trunk, not otherwise specified) instead of 00400.


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