Question: Can an anesthesia provider other than an anesthesiologist, such as a CRNA or resident, bill an arterial line to Medicare, and does it require a medical direction modifier?
Indiana Subscriber
Answer: Medicare recognizes certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) for payment and expects you to report the arterial line (36620 (Arterial catheterization or cannulation for sampling, monitoring or transfusion (separate procedure); percutaneous)) under the provider who performed the service. Because the placement of an arterial line is a “surgical” procedure and not an “anesthesia” procedure, you do not need to report a medical direction modifier.
If the arterial line was placed by a resident and teaching requirements were met, you would report 36620 with modifier GC (This service has been performed in part by a resident under the direction of a teaching physician) appended.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has an excellent resource for teaching anesthesiologists available at