Endoscopic Lumbar Nerve Decompression
Published on Thu Aug 20, 2009
Question: One of our physicians is looking into "endoscopic lumbar spinal nerve decompression." One of the medical device representatives indicated he could bill it like the lateral extraforaminal approach for lumbar decompression, but I haven't found much information. What's your advice? Wyoming Subscriber Answer: Despite what you physician might have heard, your most appropriate choice probably is 64999 (Unlisted procedure, nervous system). Many pain management providers are being introduced to different endoscopic approach systems. The AMA confirms that the descriptors for lumbar decompression procedures, such as those mentioned to your physician (63055-+63057, Transpedicular approach with decompression of spinal cord, equina and/or nerve root[s] [e.g., herniated intervertebral disc], single segment ...) do not include an endoscopic technique and should not be used to report this type of approach. If the provider doesn't complete the laminectomy (hemilaminectomy) required to meet the criteria for reporting 63020-+63035 (Laminotomy [hemilaminectomy], with decompression of nerve root[s], [...]