Question: Depo-Medrol comes in three different strengths, but the code doesn't state how much is considered a dose. How do we convert dosages when reporting Depo-Medrol or other medications?
Mississippi Subscriber
Answer: Depo-Medrol comes in three strengths: 20 mg/mL, 40 mg/mL, and 80 mg/mL. Packaging is available in 1 mL, 5 mL, and 10 mLvolume vials and can be single dose (without any preservative) or multi-dose (with preservative) vials. HCPCS includes three Depo-Medrol codes to cover the different strengths:
Conversion: First be aware that there is no difference between 1 mL and 1 cc. They are terms describing the volume of medication injected and are used interchangeably. Consider these examples: