Anesthesia Coding Alert


Changes Coming for Sacroplasty

Question: What is the appropriate code for sacroplasty with two needles? Arizona Subscriber Answer: Starting in July 2009, the Category III codes 0200T (Percutaneous sacral augmentation [sacroplasty], unilateral injection[s], including the use of a balloon or mechanical device [if utilized], one or more needles) and 0201T (Percutaneous sacral augmentation [sacroplasty], bilateral injections, including the use of a balloon or mechanical device [if utilized], two or more needles) become effective. Youll need to take note of your physicians notes, looking for whether the injections were unilateral or bilateral. Furthermore: For radiological supervision and interpretation, see 72291 (Radiological supervision and interpretation, percutaneous vertebroplasty or vertebral augmentation including cavity creation, per vertebral body; under fluoroscopic guidance), or 72292 (... under CT guidance). If bone biopsy is performed, see 20220 (Biopsy, bone, trocar, or needle; superficial [e.g., ilium, sternum, spinous process, ribs]) or 20225 (... deep [e.g.,vertebral body, femur]). --  Answers to You Be [...]
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