Anesthesia Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Remember the Modifier for Separate Line Placement Coding

Question: Our anesthesiologist administered general anesthesia during a procedure. He also provided peripheral IV line placement and NG/OG tube placement. Can I bill for general anesthesia along with the placement of the peripheral IV line and the NG/OG tube? If so, what codes would be most appropriate?

South Dakota Subscriber

Answer: According to Correct Coding Initiative edits, IV line and NG/OG tube placement are an integral component of anesthesia and not separately reportable. If, however, your anesthesia provider places invasive lines, arterial, central, and PICC lines are separately reportable and are considered an unusual form of monitoring not included in. Just remember to add a 59 (Distinct procedural service) or XU (Unusual non-overlapping service) modifier to the line placement code, based on payer rules.