Anesthesia Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Interpretation Matches Injection for 62290

Question: My physician heard that he can charge 72295 with each level of discography in addition to 62290. Is this true?

Ohio Subscriber

Answer: Yes, your physician is correct -- in certain circumstances.

Discography is one service in which the number of interpretations can match the number of injections. Report 62290 (Injection procedure for discography, each level; lumbar) for each injection. If he completes all aspects of the radiologic service for each level tested, also submit 72295 (Discography, lumbar, radiological supervision and interpretation) for each level of the procedure.

Modifier note: If your physician treats multiple levels, append modifier 51 (Multiple procedures) to 62290. Some carriers, however, request that you append modifier 76 (Repeat procedure by same physician) instead of reporting multiple units of the same radiology services on the same date. Verify your carrier's policy to ensure you append the correct modifier.

Bilateral check: Code 62290 carries a bilateral status indicator of "0" in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, meaning that additional payments for bilateral injections do not apply. Even if your physician injects contrast from two different sides of the disc, you do not report modifier 50 (Bilateral procedure) because payers consider this only one injection procedure for diagnostic study purposes.

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