Anesthesia Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Diagnosis Z30.2 Can Pair With 00851

Question: While trying to bill anesthesia during a tubal ligation with 00851 and diagnosis Z30.2, our billing software said that they do not go together. We have consulted some coding resources but didn’t find confirmation of that choice. What are we missing?

Texas Subscriber

Answer: You can bill diagnosis Z30.2 (Encounter for sterilization) with 00851 (Anesthesia for intraperitoneal procedures in lower abdomen including laparoscopy; tubal ligation/ transection).

For your reference: There are ICD-10 crosswalk codes for every CPT® code. Some procedures have such an extensive list of associated ICD-10 codes that they are not all mentioned in all references. Use your best judgment based on your provider’s documentation.