Anesthesia Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Combine Times to Bill Under One Provider, If Possible

Question: We have a labor epidural that has two start and stop times by two anesthesiologists. One is under Dr. A from 1218 to 1245 and the other is under Dr. B from 1900 to 1930. I know that there are several different ways to bill for labor anesthesia but this group bills base unit and time. Should we combine the times and bill under whichever dr. has more time or should we bill each time under each doctor?

Montana Subscriber

Answer: The first question to ask yourself is whether the physicians are both part of the same provider group. If so, you can combine the times and bill a single claim under either of the doctors (since they can report the same tax ID). If they have different tax IDs, however, you’ll need to submit a claim for each anesthesiologist based on the time he or she spent with the case.

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