Anesthesia Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Code 00800 for Abscess I&D

Question: How should I code a procedure described as "I&D inguinal abscess"? The surgeon used ultrasound-guided aspiration of the right groin to confirm the abscess before irrigation and debridement.

Nevada Subscriber

Answer: CPT does not include an anesthesia code specifically for this procedure. One coding option is 00400 (Anesthesia for procedures on the integumentary system on the extremities, anterior trunk and perineum; not otherwise specified). Some coders believe that 00800 (Anesthesia for procedures on lower abdominal wall; not otherwise specified) is a better option because the inguinal canal is in the lower abdomen and anesthesia during this procedure is virtually the same as for hernia treatment. You'll also receive slightly higher reimbursement for 00800 at 4 base units, versus 3 base units for 00400.

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