Anesthesia Coding Alert

Reader Question:

00520 Works for Pacemaker Lead Removal

Question: Is 00530 the best anesthesia code for removal of an infected pacemaker lead? One of our physicians says we should report 00520.

Nevada Subscriber

Answer: Many coders rely on 00530 (Anesthesia for permanent transvenous pacemaker insertion) for removing an infected lead, but don't report it just because the word "pacemaker" is in the descriptor. Instead, 00520 (Anesthesia for closed chest procedures; [including bronchoscopy] not otherwise specified) could be more accurate.

Here's why: Removing a pacemaker's single lead system usually is a closed chest procedure. The surgeon will report 33234 (Removal of transvenous pacemaker electrode[s]; single lead system, atrial or ventricle). It crosses to anesthesia code 00520.

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