Anesthesia Coding Alert

Lock Down Cluster, Tension Headache Diagnosis Using These Clues

Bonus: This map makes 2012 prep a piece of cake. Now that headache classifications, ICD-9, and ICD-10 are aligned, updating your diagnoses shouldnt be as much of a pain provided you have the lowdown on what separates the 339 codes. You can say goodbye to outmoded terminology, no epidemiology, and misclassification. The International Headache Society (IHS) published its revised International Headache Classification system (ICHD-2) in 2004, but prior ICD-9 codes didnt align with the system. Now, ICD-9 and the ICHD-2 are on the same page, which is good news for your practice, now and in the future, since ICD-10 descriptors map to ICHD-2. Headache pain is the single largest factor in work absenteeism as well as total expenditures for healthcare costs, says Marvel Hammer, RN, CPC, CCS-P, PCS,ACS-PM, CHCO, owner of MJH Consulting in Denver. Being up to speed on proper ICD-9 headache codes is crucial to your bottom line. [...]
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