Anesthesia Coding Alert

CCI Edits Mean More Changes for Nerve Block,GI

Version 9.1 of the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits, which became effective April 1, continues the recent trend of bundling pain management injection codes with other services. Other changes of interest relate to the codes for upper and lower gastrointestinal (GI) anesthesia and nonmutually exclusive deletions that tie in with many anesthesia codes.

Nonmutually exclusive edits apply to services that a physician might perform during the same care session but that aren't billable together. This is because one of the codes (the component code) is included in the services represented by the second (comprehensive) code of the pairing. You can bill individual components if the physician does not perform the entire comprehensive procedure. But if the physician performs the entire (comprehensive) procedure, you should bill the comprehensive code instead of the individual parts or components.

New Edits Bundle Upper and Lower GI Anesthesia With Procedure

The new CCI edits bundle anesthesia codes for upper and lower GI endoscopic procedures with the GI procedures. Code CPT 00740 (Anesthesia for upper gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures, endoscope introduced proximal to duodenum) is now a component of several endoscopic procedures. All edits in these groups apply to diagnostic procedures as well as surgical procedures with biopsy, removal of foreign body, control of bleeding, and removal or ablation of tumors or other lesions by various techniques. The edits also encompass other procedures specific to the treatment area transendoscopic stent placement, decompression of volvulus, submucosal injections, balloon dilation, ultrasound examination, and ultrasound-guided aspiration/biopsy.

The procedures affected by this edit include:

  • Colonoscopy procedures approached through the stoma (codes 44388-44397)
  • All rigid proctosigmoidoscopy procedures (codes 45300-45327)
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy procedures (codes 45330-45345)
  • Rigid or flexible colonoscopy (45355, Colonoscopy, rigid or flexible, transabdominal via colostomy, single or multiple) and related codes (45381, Colonoscopy, flexible, proximal to splenic flexure; with directed submucosal injections[s], any substance; and 45386, with dilation by balloon, 1 or more strictures)
  • All anoscopy procedures (46600-46615).

    These procedures rarely require anesthesia other than conscious sedation (99141, Sedation with or without analgesia [conscious sedation]; intravenous, intramuscular or inhalation), so the edits won't affect coding for most cases. On the other hand, it does mean that you can no longer bill anesthesia separately when you use it for procedures involving children or mentally ill patients or for other unusual circumstances.

    In other endoscopy-related edits, CCI now considers 00810 (Anesthesia for lower intestinal endoscopic procedures, endoscope introduced distal to duodenum) a component of new codes 43201 (Esophagoscopy, rigid or flexible; with directed submucosal injections[s], any substance) and 43236 (Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy including esophagus, stomach, and either the duodenum and/or jejunum as appropriate; with directed submucosal injection[s], any substance).

    More Nerve Blocks and Injections Edited

    Pain management practitioners should heed new edits that bundle nerve blocks and single or epidural injections with various procedures.

    CCI now considers new codes 01991 (Anesthesia for diagnostic or therapeutic nerve blocks and injections [when block or injection is performed by a different provider]; other than the prone position) and 01992 ( prone position) as components of trigger point injection codes 20552 (Injection[s]; single or multiple trigger point[s], one or two muscle[s]) and 20553 ( single or multiple trigger point[s], three or more muscles). Because physicians rarely require anesthesia to perform a trigger point injection, this is another set of edits that probably won't come into play very often.

    The previous round of edits bundled several new somatic nerve injection codes with anesthesia codes. NCCI 9.1 bundles somatic nerve injections and single or epidural injection codes with several standard physical therapy-related services. The component injection codes are:

  • 62310 Injection, single (not via indwelling catheter), not including neurolytic substances, with or without contrast (for either localization or epidurography), of diagnostic or therapeutic substance(s) (including anesthetic, antispasmodic, opioid, steroid, other solution), epidural or subarachnoid; cervical or thoracic
  • 62311 lumbar, sacral (caudal)
  • 62318 Injection, including catheter placement, continuous infusion or intermittent bolus, not including neurolytic substances, with or without contrast (for either localization or epidurography), of diagnostic or therapeutic substance(s) (including anesthetic, antispasmodic, opioid, steroid, other solution), epidural or subarachnoid; cervical or thoracic
  • 62319 lumbar, sacral (caudal)
  • 64400-64450 Various nerve locations for Injection, anesthetic agent
  • 64470-64476 Different levels and locations for Injection, anesthetic agent and/or steroid, paraver-tebral facet joint or facet joint nerve
  • 64479-64484 Different levels and locations for Injection, anesthetic agent and/or steroid, transforaminal epidural.

    The edits bundle all of these codes with a variety of physical medicine and osteopathic services, including physical therapy evaluation (97001), specific therapeutic procedures (97110-97139), orthotics fitting and training (97504), prosthetic training (97520), osteopathic manipulative treatment (98925-98929), and similar services.

    "These particular edits prevent anesthesiologists from administering a block and billing for physical therapy at the same time," says Barbara Johnson, CPC, MPC, with Loma Linda University Anesthesiology Medical Group in Loma Linda, Calif. "There may have been problems with physicians performing a block and then exercising the patient when he was pain-free, then billing for both services."

    The tables turn with the next set of anesthesia-related edits for somatic (64400-64484) and sympathetic nerve injections (64505-64530). CCI lists these injections as the comprehensive service for a variety of codes including 90784 (Therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection [specify material injected]; intravenous), 93000-93010 (services related to Electrocardiogram, routine ECG with at least 12 leads) and 93040-93042 (services related to Rhythm ECG, one to three leads).


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