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Anesthesia Coding Alert
Anesthesia Coding Alert
Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 12
Don't Miss the Latest News on the EHR Incentive Program
Good news: Anesthesiologists can still qualify for some exemptions. The final rule on...
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News and Notes:
Initial ICD-10 Claims Garner High Success Rate
Plus – Meet this MAC’s signature requirement for appeals. Although ICD-10 ...
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Pain Management:
Focus on Interlaminar Levels, Not Just Injection Frequency
Tip: These 4 reminders will help you find success. If you code for pain management ser...
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Reader Question:
Pin Severe Systemic Disease With P6
Question: Which physical status modifiers should be used for a patient with severe ...
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Reader Question:
Go Ahead and Submit 00851 With Z30.2
Question: While trying to bill anesthesia during a tubal ligation with 00851 and d...
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Reader Question:
Verify the Best Modifier for Anesthesia Assistant
Question: If a physician is medically directing one CRNA and one anesthesia assista...
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Reader Question:
Drop Modifier From 62310 or 62311 Claim
Question: When our physician administers more than one interlaminar epidural inject...
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Reader Question:
Count Percentages to Reach Appropriate Burn Code
Question: Which anesthesia codes are used for burn excision/debridement? Alaska S...
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Reader Question:
Tackle Pre-op Cancellation With E/M Codes
Question: The anesthesiologist completed the standard preoperative visit but believ...
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Reader Question:
Look for New Paravertebral Thoracic Block Codes in 2016
Question: My physician documented that he placed a thoracic paravertebral block for...
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You Be the Coder:
Know Which Codes Crosswalk for Grafting
Question: Which anesthesia code corresponds with the grafting procedure using a mus...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 11
Teaching Rules:
Ensure You're Accounting for Anesthesia Services by Multiple Providers
Know when – or when not – to code separately for additional services. Many...
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Check How Well You Followed Essential ICD-10 Implementation Steps
Watching these 5 areas will help your transition succeed. The official shift to ICD-10...
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Take 8 Steps to Avoid Falling Prey to Medical ID Thieves
Be warned: Beneficiaries, practice employees are potential targets. Stories of identit...
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Choose Between 2 Codes for Hysterectomy Diagnosis
Relax: The descriptors are already familiar. With approximately 20 CPT® codes add...
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Reader Question:
Note the Surgical Option for Coding Vena Cava Filter Removal
Question: How do we bill for anesthesia care when a surgeon removes a vena cava fil...
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Reader Question:
01952 and 01953 Will Take Care of Burn Debridement
Question: Our physician administered anesthesia for burn excision and debridement t...
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Reader Question:
Grafting Crosswalks to Multiple Anesthesia Possibilities
Question: Which anesthesia code corresponds with a grafting procedure using a muscl...
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Reader Question:
Start With 00600 for Anesthesia During Rhizotomy
Question: What are the correct anesthesia codes for facet rhizotomy? Tennessee Su...
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You Be the Coder:
Billing Contrast With Epidural Injection
Question: Our physician does lumbar epidural steroid injections in the office with ...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 10
CPT® Update:
Start Thinking Now About New Codes for 2016
Plus, watch injection changes for pain management. September is here, and with it come...
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Take This Last-Minute Advice to Smooth Your ICD-10 Transition
CMS calls testing period a success, but watch 4 things in your claims. If your practic...
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Ask for More Details in Tachycardia Cases
The first-stop descriptor isn’t always your best choice. A patient having a hist...
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Reader Question:
Turn to 01610 When Axillary Lymphatics Are Involved
Question: The surgeon performed an axilliary sentinel node biopsy in conjunction wi...
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Reader Question:
Look at Purpose to Determine TAP Catheter Code
Question: What is a TAP catheter, and how should we code for using one? Florida S...
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Reader Question:
Support Your Controlled Hypotension Claim
Question: What should we document on the anesthesia record for a case involving con...
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Reader Question:
Tackling 62310 and 62311 for Payers Still Following 2014 RVU's
Question: The RVUs for 62310 and 62311 were raised in 2015 to include payment for 7...
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Reader Question:
Stay on Top of Medicare Opt-Out Changes
Question: Our practice has chosen to opt out of Medicare. I heard that there’...
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You Be the Coder:
Brush Up on Guidelines for Reporting G9363
Question: Our anesthesiologist used active warming to keep the patient’s body...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 9
Code Update:
Start Preparing for Big Changes to Your Epidural Codes
CPT® 2016 will overhaul the familiar section, plus paravertebral facet nervedestruct...
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Get the Scoop on 4 Things Related to the ICD-10 Grace Period
CMS offers more updates on how the transition will occur. CMS announced on July 6 that...
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Fraud Avoidance:
Don't Fall Victim to These Compliance Misconceptions
Know where you stand on these 10 issues. Someone in your office is thinking about com...
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Reader Questions:
Get Clear Documentation of Anesthesia During IV Infusion
Question: Our CRNA provided anesthesia during a 14-year-old autistic patient’...
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Reader Questions:
Step Away From Traditional "Fee-For-Service" Arrangements
Question: When a surgery is performed in an ASC under general anesthesia, can the A...
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You Be the Coder:
Verify Payer Guidelines Before Submitting P Modifiers
Question: I’m new to anesthesia coding and don’t understand when and ho...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 8
Verify That You're in Line with OIG Regs for Medical Directorships
Staying up-to-date with anti-kickback laws will help keep you in the clear. The OIG (O...
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Follow These 4 Rules to Stay on Track With Locum Tenens Claims
Remember: You can’t bill locum tenens for ‘extra help.’ Summertime m...
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Tachycardia Descriptor Will Remain the Same, But Your Usage Might Change
Rely on the index to keep your coding for sinus tachycardia on the right path. Cardiac...
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Reader Questions:
Report from Series 00100-01999 When Anesthesiologist Provides the Service
Question: What is the correct anesthesia coding guideline when a CRNA supplies MAC ...
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Reader Questions:
99358 and 99359 Are Not Separately Payable
Question: Can we bill 99358 in Florida? If yes, what is the reimbursement? Florid...
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Reader Questions:
To Code Correctly, Know Who Did the Epidurography
Question: Our non-medically directed CRNA often provides the anesthesia service (01...
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Reader Questions:
Stick With Regular C-section Codes for EXIT Procedure
Question: One of my anesthesiologists wants to know if anesthesia can bill for an E...
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Reader Questions:
Medicare Shares ICD-10 Help With 'Road to 10'
Question: Our entire office is pitching in to prepare for the switch over to ICD-10...
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Reader Questions:
Does Secure Communication Include Patient Consent?
Question: Is patient consent required under HIPAA to allow secure encrypted communi...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding for Vaginal Delivery + Emergency Hysterectomy
Question: I’m coding for an urgent hysterectomy following vaginal delivery. T...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 7
Correct Calculations Are Your Ticket to Field Avoidance Pay
Know when your payers will allow you to add extra units. When your anesthesiologist do...
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Watch for More Codes to Explain Complications of Emphysema
You’ll move from two diagnosis options to five. Underlying conditions can make a...
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Modifier News:
Stop Fretting Over How to Implement New X {ESPU} Modifiers
CMS reps say you can keep reporting modifier 59 as usual. If you’re still lookin...
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Patient Privacy:
Answer These 7 Questions to Keep on Track With HIPAA Compliance
Heads up: Security checks are not enough. As the number of anesthesia practices moving...
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Reader Questions:
Watch CCI Edits Before Filing 64415 for Post-Op Nerve Block
Question: Our anesthesiologists are performing nerve blocks with ultrasound guidanc...
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Reader Questions:
Submit 782.0 for Your Allodynia Diagnosis
Question: What is the best diagnosis code for allodynia? Alabama Subscriber Ans...
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Reader Questions:
Focus on Reason for Procedure When Choosing a Diagnosis
Question: Should the ICD-9 placed on the 1500 claim form be related to the procedur...
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Reader Questions:
Know Who Need to Receive Updated NPPs
Question: Our office is updating our Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) to include the ne...
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Reader Questions:
Check With Payer On Whether to Bundle Imaging and Epidural Procedures
Question: We like to seek guidance on the inclusion of imaging guidance in the epid...
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You Be the Coder:
Know How to Report Perioperative Temperature Management
Question: While using active warming, two of the patient’s body temperature m...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 6
CCI 21.1:
Don't Miss the 3 Types of Procedures That New Coding Edits Affect
Plus: Pay attention to when you might be able to break the bundle. The latest round of...
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Say "Good-Bye" to the SGR Formula, "Hello" to ICD-10
Plus: Extra pay could be coming your way this summer. The Medicare Access and CH...
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Work With the Surgeon to Determine the Correct Cerebral Edema Diagnosis Code
Heads up: You’ll have multiple options beginning Oct. 1. When your provider admi...
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Reader Questions:
Payers Need to Pay Claims Within Defined Time Frames
Question: What is Medicare’s prompt payment law? Does it specify “days&...
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Reader Questions:
Lidocaine Bundles Up With Other Injection Codes
Question: Our physicians want to replace their current injection process for ESIs a...
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Reader Questions:
Report "In Attendance" for Upper GI Services With 00740
Question: Our anesthesiologist was “in attendance” during an inpatient surge...
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Reader Questions:
Bilateral Administration Changes Selective Nerve Root Injection Coding
Question: Our physician’s op note states that he administered four selective ...
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Reader Questions:
Check Necessity When Coding for IV Sedation
Question: Our CRNA was called into the hospital emergency room to provide intubation ...
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Reader Questions:
Verify Sufficient Documentation Before Reporting Vent Management Separately
Question: Can we bill Medicare for intubation (31500) and ventilation assist/manage...
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Reader Questions:
Subclavian Vein Catheter Placement Means 36556
Question: One of our physicians is asking about the correct code for placement of a...
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You Be the Coder:
Know When Anesthesiologists Can Submit Modifier 50
Question: Can anesthesia codes be billed with modifier 50? For example, can 00120...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 5
Discontinued Procedures:
Watch the Clock to Know When Modifier 53 Might Apply
Plus: Document the specific reason for case cancellation. The descriptor for mod...
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ICD-10 Update:
Don't Miss the Latest on ICD-10 Implementation
CMS says test claim submissions are going well. It appears that ICD-10 really will be ...
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Turn to Modifier 52 for Reduced - Not Discontinued - Service
Don’t get confused by similarities. When deciding which modifier applies t...
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ICD-10 Coding:
Verify Perforations With Surgeon Before Choosing Diverticulosis Code
Tip: ICD-10 combines some code choices for small intestine. Many times, you aren&rsquo...
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Reader Questions:
31500 Doesn't Allow Separate Billing for Standard Anesthesia
Question Can anesthesia procedures be billed separately for an emergency endotrache...
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Reader Questions:
Catch the Correct PQRS Codes for Cataract Surgery
Question: What will be the correct PQRS codes (Measure #193) for cataract surgery u...
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Reader Question:
Keep 4 Points in Mind for Post-op Pain Management Injections
Question: We’ve recently begun to receive claims for payment for 01402 and 62311 o...
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Reader Question:
Add On +64495 for Multiple Paravertebral Joint Levels
Question: Our physician administers injections into paravertebral facet joints. The...
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You Be the Coder:
Understand Options for Post-op Continuous Canal Block
Question: How do you code an adductor canal block continuous catheter for post-op p...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 4
Use This Tool to Educate Your Providers About Understanding Post-op Chronic Pain
New study from ASA highlights new ways to help certain surgery patients. Many fa...
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Ask Yourself: How Prepared Are We for ICD-10 Implementation?
Focusing on these areas will get you ready. The final countdown to ICD-10 is on, so it...
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Patient Privacy:
Get the Scoop on 5 Possible Trends in 2015
Experts predict state law claims will continue to facilitate breach lawsuits. Co...
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Reader Question:
Note the Number of CRNAs Before Appending Modifiers
Question: When an anesthesiologist is medically supervising less than four CRNAs would w...
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Reader Question:
Check With the State's Compensation Policy to Code for FCE
Question: Our physician orders functional testing as a precaution for prescribing c...
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Reader Question:
Always Append Modifier 59 with Pain Block Code
Question: We do billing for both the anesthesiologist and the CRNA. We have had a c...
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Reader Question:
Remember Medicare Doesn't Want 77003 With 62310-62319
Question: There is so much confusion regarding billing 62310 and 62311 with 77003. ...
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You Be the Coder:
Know How to Correctly Code your Anesthesia Preparation Time
Question: What are the minimum documentation requirements in order to be compliant ...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 3
Remember These Top Tips for Successful Swan-Ganz Coding
Hint: It’s all about the associated CVP line. Most services your anesthesiologis...
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Manage Your Anesthesia Coding for Broken Bones With 2 Precise Steps
Take a look at the musculoskeletal system to handle documentation complexities. Fractu...
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Let CMS Help With Establishing Your Group's Compliance Plan
Start your framework now, before its use is required. The Affordable Care Act...
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Reader Question:
Here's How to Report New Joint Injection Codes with Fluoro Guidance
Question: The new joint injections codes 20604, 20606, and 20611 specify an injecti...
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Reader Question:
Continue Using Modifier 59 When Appropriate
Question: I have a question regarding the new modifiers (XE, XS, XP, and XU) that c...
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Reader Question:
Choose Between 00700 and 00800 for Excisional Biopsy of Abdominal Wall
Question: The physician excises an abnormal mass from within the muscle layer benea...
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Reader Question:
64479-64484 Will Include All Selective Nerve Root Block
Question: What would be the CPT® code for selective nerve root block? Illinois Sub...
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Reader Question:
Submit Dictation and Supporting Documentation for 64999
Question: I’ve read that we should report 64999 for radiofrequency of the lum...
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Reader Question:
It's Time to Include Technology in Communication Options
Question: Should we develop some sort of consent form for patients to sign if they ...
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You Be the Coder:
Reporting 31500 With Anesthesia Service
Question: Do we bill anesthesia separately for an emergency endotracheal intubation...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 2
Post-operative Care:
Follow These Do's and Don'ts of Reporting 01996
Let these 3 scenarios guide when you code for daily hospital management. The anesth...
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Coding Foundation:
Understand the Basics of Reporting 01996
CCI and CPT® help clarify when the code applies. Code 01996 (Daily hospital manage...
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Ask for Clear Documentation for Reporting Acute on Chronic Respiratory Failure
Code choices will hinge on presence of hypercapnia or hypoxia. Treating patients who h...
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Take 4 Steps to Reach Chart Sampling Success
Which of the three sampling methods will work best for your practice? Performing chart...
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Reader Question:
TPI Code Could Work for Rectus Abdominis Muscle Injection
Question: I’m coding for an injection to the rectus abdominal muscle sheath. ...
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Reader Question:
Decide Which PQRS Measures to Track in 2015
Question: What PQRS measures should we be reporting for anesthesia in 2015? Wyomi...
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Reader Question:
Meet All the Criteria Before Reporting Bilateral Injections
Question: We have been facing challenges for reporting bilateral procedures like in...
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Reader Question:
File 01999 for MAC During Elbow Plasma Injection
Question: The surgeon requested that my anesthesiologist provide MAC during an elbo...
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Reader Question:
Use E/M Codes – Not 01996 – for Lumbar Drain Follow-Up
Question: Our pain management physician inserted a lumbar drain and wants to leave ...
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You Be the Coder:
Separate Ultrasound Code With Anesthesia Service
Question: One of our anesthesia providers has asked about billing for ultrasound gu...
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Anesthesia Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 17, Number 1
Reimbursement Refresher:
Watch for Shifts from Medical Direction to Supervision and What It Means to Your Fees
Experts say documentation of time is a common – but fixable – error. ...
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News Flash:
Get Ready for Extra Scrutiny of Modifier AA Claims in 2015
Plus: Incorrect place of service coding could also get you in trouble. Anesthesi...
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Get Details from Surgeon for Ulcerative Colitis Coding
Heads up: You’ll need to know more than the location, beginning in October. ...
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Reader Question:
Know the Spinal Locations When Reporting 62280-62282
Question: How can I differentiate between injection/infusion codes 62280-62282? Spe...
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Reader Question:
Confirm Pump Placement or Anesthesia Before Coding
Question: When the surgeon places a port for chemotherapy access, the patient might requ...
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Reader Question:
Determine Most Complex Anesthesia Code for Multiple Services
Question: Can you guide me as to how to code for multiple anesthesia services for t...
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Reader Question:
Yes, a CRNA Can Bill Anesthesia for Colonoscopy
Question: Our physicians want to add a CRNA to help with any cases, but especially ...
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Reader Question:
Choose 721.3 for Lumbar Facet Osteoarthritis if Possible
Question: When researching codes for lumbar facet osteoarthritis, I found 721.3 and...
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Reader Question:
Grasp the Difference Between 'Unspecified' and 'Other Specified' in ICD-10
Question: I have seen lots of great ICD-9 to ICD-10 crosswalks, but it seems like t...
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You Be the Coder:
Remember This About 0232T
Question: A surgeon requested that our anesthesiologist provide MAC during an elbow...
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Available Years: