Anesthesia Coding Alert

Get ready for changes to teaching rule
Watch for a healthier bottom line, though you won't code any differently. Your teaching a... Read more
Check new HCPCS codes to keep PM claims on track
Catch the changes to botulinum toxin and neurostimulator electrode codes. As a pain manag... Read more
Watch your math when calculating botulinum
Use these 3 scenarios to guide your coding. Botox, Dysport, and Myobloc all carry FDA app... Read more
Brace yourself for consult coding alternative
New rule means simpler coding, but less pay. The rumor about consultation codes becoming ... Read more
Reader questions:
Choose from 3 possibilities for Omnipaque
Question: How should I bill for Omnipaque when our physician owns the fluoroscopy machine... Read more
Reader questions:
Double 76942 OK for second provider
Question: Two providers from the same physician group performed two separate postoperativ... Read more
Reader questions:
Remember AD for maxed concurrent cases
Question: What are the current Medicare rules when our anesthesiologist bills more than f... Read more
Reader questions:
93312 crosswalks to 01922
Question: How should I code anesthesia for a transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) proce... Read more
Reader questions:
Compound or OTC helps guide pump refill
Question: What is the correct way to bill medication units during pump refills, such as J... Read more
Reader questions:
Patient's position serves as coding clue
Question: Our anesthesiologist sometimes performs anesthesia for a pain management physic... Read more
Reader questions:
64449 is your best choice for iliopsoas infusion
Question: What is the best way to code an iliopsoas infusion? Kentucky Subscriber Answer:... Read more
You be the coder:
Determining ketorolac tromethamine injection
Question: How should we bill the procedure and medication for a ketorolac tromethami... Read more
Bring your system up to speed with new Category III codes
Reimbursement might vary, but some will garner you pay. Two new Category III codes for sa... Read more
OB cases can cross dates, but your coding might not
Keep this easy tip in mind to combat +01968 denials. When a labor and delivery case spans... Read more
Conquer CRNA Coding With Modifier Know-How
This 4-scenario quiz shows if your shared services coding stacks up to our experts' advic... Read more
You be the coder:
Reporting a Single Shot Lumbar Plexus Block
Question: Our physicians each recommend a different code for a single shot lumbar plexus... Read more
Reader questions:
Know CRNA choices for colonoscopy
Question: Is a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) allowed to bill Medicare for... Read more
Reader questions:
Approach dictates stress incontinence sling code
Question: Our physician provided anesthesia during surgery to place a stress incontinence... Read more
Reader questions:
Confirm procedure before coding blood patch
Question: How do I code an epidural blood patch procedure on the same day as labor and de... Read more
Reader questions:
Choose 77002, not 77003, with 64640
Question: Our payer denies CPT 77003 when we bill it with CPT 64640 , stating that the c... Read more
Reader questions:
35860 crosses to 01270
Question: A patient had a right groin AV graft inserted for end stage renal disease. He r... Read more
Reader questions:
Costochondral joint syndrome = 20600 or 20605
Question: Our pain management specialist administered an injection to treat costochondral... Read more
Capture TPIs With Injections and More, Thanks to Edit Reversals
CCI 15.3 zeroes in on moderate sedation, but allows for more unbundling. The latest Corre... Read more
Curb Your Excitement Over Terminated Edits
Most CCI 15.3 deletions apply to non-covered procedures. At first glance, one bright spot... Read more
News You Can Use:
Implement Your Swan-Ganz Boost
Updated MPFS includes pay hike for catheter placement. The October update to the 2009 Med... Read more
Master Moderate Sedation Coding With These Easy Steps
CCI 15.3 will have you watching provider involvement and documentation. Considering the h... Read more
Study E/M Definitions for Counseling
Question: An established patient came to our office to discuss results of a previous proc... Read more
62311 With 01992 Depends on Providers
Question: Can I bill 01992 for anesthesia for 62311? California Subscriber Answer: It dep... Read more
Code 1 Level for 2 Medial Branch Nerve Injections
Question: Our pain management specialist administered bilateral facet blocks to L3, L4, L... Read more
NovaSure Hysteroscopy Crosses to 00952
Question: What surgical and anesthesia codes should I use for NovaSure? Montana Subscribe... Read more
Follow These Examples for P Modifier Usage
Question: What tips can you offer on distinguishing between CPT anesthesia physical statu... Read more
Endoscopic Lumbar Nerve Decompression
Question: One of our physicians is looking into "endoscopic lumbar spinal nerve decompres... Read more
Report J1885, 96372 for Toradol Injection
Question: How should I bill for an intramuscular injection of 60 mg of Toradol and calcul... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Learn Crosswalks for Endoscopy Procedures
Question: Our group is looking to expand and start doing anesthesia for general and/or MA... Read more
News flash:
Check your usage of modifier 50 and add-ons for facets
Thank the OIG for clarified guidelines from CMS. CMS clarified its stance on correctly re... Read more
Check That You Report the Right Neurostimulator
Different types of neurostimulators are available, but as a pain management coder, you'll ... Read more
Reader questions:
Wrist block depends on nerves treated
Question: Our physician administered several injections to several nerves in a patient&#... Read more
Stop hypothermia coding errors cold
    3 criteria signal +99116 is OK.   Before you can capture qual... Read more
Stimulate your pay with 2 SCS coding tips
  Thank the OIG for clarified guidelines from CMS. CMS clarified its stance on ... Read more
Reader questions:
Clarify injection type and location for epidural
Question: Our physician used X-ray under fluoroscopy to complete what he called an "epidu... Read more
Reader questions:
Precert, notes can help with multiple 64640
Question: We report 64640 for radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the sacroiliac (SI) joint.... Read more
Reader questions:
Start with G0260, then over to 27096
Question: We report G0260 when we bill for sacroiliac (SI) injections our physician perfo... Read more
Reader questions:
Tag 00740 and 00810 for gastro procedures
Question: Our physicians are planning to offer general and/or MAC anesthesia for colonosc... Read more
Reader questions:
Central line with SG cath depends on placement
Question: Our anesthesiologist recently documented that we should code for a central line... Read more
Reader questions:
Anesthesia includes retrobulbar block
Question: The surgeon sometimes asks our CRNA to perform an eye block and then provide an... Read more
Reader questions:
EGD + colonoscopy = one anesthesia code
Question: How should I handle the claim when our physician provided only an overall start... Read more
Reader questions:
Educate physicians about how AD hits bottom line
Question: We've never reported modifier AD, but recently had a situation where our anesth... Read more
Reader questions:
Verify reason for OR return before coding
Question: A patient returned to the operating room (OR) later the same day of surgery bec... Read more
You be the coder:
Choosing for hybrid maze
Question: How should we code anesthesia for a hybrid maze procedure? Florida Subscriber A... Read more
Justify Providing -- and Getting Paid for -- Anesthesia After Failed Sedation With This Tool
V15.80 lets anesthesiologist say, 'I'm here because surgeon couldn't do it.' Tired of sub... Read more
Clue In to 3 Details for SCS Coding Success
Do your homework up front to save backtracking time -- or denials -- later. A w... Read more
Don't Let 'Discontinued' Spell Disaster for Your Claims
Learn the best ways to know when modifier 53 applies -- or doesn't. Your anesthesiol... Read more
Definition Corner:
What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation?
Neurostimulation (also called spinal cord stimulation, or SCS) uses tiny electrical impuls... Read more
Later Med Dose Equals Subsequent Care
Question: If a femoral catheter is inserted by an anesthesiologist on the day of surgery,... Read more
For OR Return, Turn to Modifier 59
Question: A patient returned to the OR later in the day for post-op bleed following a sma... Read more
Charge for A-Line Despite Surgery Refusal
Question: A patient refused surgery after staff had placed an intra-arterial catheter (A-... Read more
Go With 77003 for Fluoroscopic Guidance
Question: Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Medicare are denying 77003 as an invalid code when b... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Does Bilateral Always Mean Modifier 50?
Question: I recently had a denial for 22523-50. What did I do wrong? Oregon Subscriber An... Read more
End Diagnosis Denials With These Great Tips
Preparation, eagle eye for mistakes can ease denial woes. A proper diagnosis and diagnosi... Read more
Avoid Basing Code Selection on Superbill Choice --Or Risk Denials
Bill based on documentation -- not the codes circled on the superbill. Myth: If your... Read more
Moyamoya Procedure Calls for Unlisted Procedure Code
Question: What is the correct code for a procedure called an "encephaloduroarteriosynangi... Read more
Crosswalk to Hip Anesthesia for Debridement of Sacrum
Question: How should I code anesthesia for the debridement of an open fracture of the sac... Read more
93315: Not Included in 00100
Question: Is transesophageal echocardiography (93315) included in basic anesthesia admini... Read more
Use ICD-9 Index to Search for Dx Code
Question: A patient with a high risk of breast cancer (due to a strong family history of ... Read more
Some Add-On Codes Do Crosswalk
Question: I have documentation from my anesthesiologist who performed a service for surgi... Read more
Include Wastage in Botulinum Code
Question: My pain management physician treated a patient's migraine by injecting 70 units... Read more
Med Necessity Determines Prolonged Service
Question: I'm confused on how to use a prolonged service code for E/M services. Can you c... Read more
Use 95920 With Modifiers?
Question: Our anesthesiologist indicated on the charge ticket that he monitored the motor... Read more
Use Mod 50 for Both Extremeties?
Question: My pain management specialist treated both extremities at the same 64616 sessio... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Check Out NOS Anesthesia for Pediatric Blood Draw
Question: What anesthesia code should I use for a 5-year-old who was given general anesth... Read more
2 Steps TakeYou Beyond NOS Headache for Migraines
Home in on the right 346.x family using these vocab basics. Don't let migraines' five sub... Read more
Obtain Reimbursement for 64999
Pursue pre-authorization from payers to help ensure payment. Obtaining payment for unlist... Read more
Lower Payback Requests for Facet Injections
Counting levels correctly will protect your pay. If your practice is like many offices in... Read more
Bulbar Block, Anesthesia Not Same
Question: We have a new anesthesiology client who works in an eye center. He says that h... Read more
Use Modifiers for CRNA Anesthesia Direction
Question: When my physician performs a pain management procedure, and a CRNA adminis... Read more
Excision of Diverticulum Depends on Approach
Question: What would be the best way to code an excision of a Zenkers diverticulum under ... Read more
Study 654.21 for Requested Cesarean
Question: Our physician performed anesthesia for a c-section and I billed 01961 for that.... Read more
Use Subsequent Visit for Subsequent Days
Question: I have a question about the femoral catheter (64448) placed for post-op pain ma... Read more
CCI Edits Apply to 62311
Question: I received a denial from Medicare for an epidural injection (62311) when billed... Read more
TEE Maps to Different Code Now
Question: Do some patients have to have transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) performed un... Read more
Epidural Placement? Then No Consult
Question: My physician provides anesthesia for a surgical procedure, and the surgeon asks... Read more
You Be the Coder:
What Is the Correct Code for TAP?
Question: What exactly is a "tap block," and what code do I use? Missouri Subscriber Answ... Read more
Lock Down Cluster, Tension Headache Diagnosis Using These Clues
Bonus: This map makes 2012 prep a piece of cake. Now that headache ... Read more
For Accurate Headache Dx, Look at Pathology, Timing
To code headaches, think of an inverted pyramid, and work your way from top to... Read more
Bust 3 CS Catheter Myths to Skip the Wrong Code
Your doc needs to do this to get paid on more than CS cath placement . ... Read more
Distinguish 'Unexpected' From 'Emergency' or Risk Payback
Imminent danger means its time to call on 99140. Whats the differen... Read more
News You Can Use:
CMS Sends Reminder: Still Time to Join PQRI
Pain management e-prescribers may be up for a bonus. If your pain m... Read more
Okay to Bill for PICC
Question: When our anesthesiologist places a peripherally inserted central venou... Read more
Use 32551 to Crosswalk to Anesthesia Code
Question: Ive heard that a chest tube exchange is coded 49423 (Exchange of pre... Read more
Cataract Block Billed With 00142 for CRNA
Question: I have a CRNA who practices solo at a surgery center doing cataract ... Read more
Vaginal Deliveries Call for 01967 -- Usually
Question: In what delivery situation would 01960 be the appropriate code to bi... Read more
Established Pt Stays Established With New Doc
Question: We hired a new physician for our practice after another doctor left.... Read more
Code With 1 Modifier for Same-Day Procedures
Question: My anesthesiologist performed a sciatic nerve block for a patient wi... Read more
Careful Appending Modifiers to 99201
Question: Our physicians must write the history and physical (H&P) for sur... Read more
Changes Coming for Sacroplasty
Question: What is the appropriate code for sacroplasty with two needles? ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Anesthesiologist Versus Dr.'s Code for 31500?
Question: An ER physician performed an endotracheal intubation. The code I come ... Read more
Check Patient's Condition & Docs to Support Endoscopy Anesthesia Coverage
Establishing dual necessity unlocks reimbursement. If your anesthes... Read more
Fix These Diagnosis Snafus to Snag Anesthesia/PM Pay
These steps help you hunt down reimbursement making V codes. Are yo... Read more
Tally TPI Targets or Risk Miscoding Claim
4 steps to clarifying muscle injections. If youre a PM coder wantin... Read more
For Twin Delivery, Stick to Basics
Question: A charge states that a patient had a labor epidural with a start time 18:08 an... Read more
Graduate Nurses May Serve Medicare Members?
Question: I have a question regarding the 30-day rule for new providers. A nur... Read more
Code Correctly for Finger Fracture
Question: My pain management physician performedan ulnar block to treat a fing... Read more
CABG Calls for 00567
Question: I have a patient who had a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) (x2) ... Read more
KTP = Physician Shorthand for Laser Vaporization
Question: We have a patient diagnosed with benign prostate hyperplasia (600.21... Read more
Use Crosswalk for Sternal Wire Removal
Question: What ASA code would you use for removal of sternal wires from a coro... Read more
Ankle Block for Femoral or Sciatic Nerve
Question: What is the correct pain block code for an ankle block using the fem... Read more
Two Lines Calls for 59
Question: When submitting more than one arterial line or central line, should ... Read more
Bill Spinal Block or Spinal and MAC?
Question: A physician performed a revision of the right hip. A spinal block wa... Read more
Don't Unbundle Capnography
Question: One of my physicians believes we can be separately reimbursed for th... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Can You Go Beyond OR for Start Time?
Question: A physician does not agree with my interpretation of start time. I b... Read more
Follow Your Step-by-Step Guide to Nailing Down the Correct TEE Code Every Time
This procedure isn't always a wash when it comes to cardiac anesthesia. Discover if your ... Read more
Reduce Denials in Your Anesthesia/PM Practice
Take easy steps to lower claim problems and retain or increase revenue. Denials got yo... Read more
Practice Good Form With Advance Beneficiary Notices
The March 1 deadline has arrived;are you ready for new ABN protocols? You've probably enc... Read more
Check for Levels With New Patient Exam
Question: A new patient arrived with complaints of shoulder weakness and pain. My pain ma... Read more
Don't Bill Preservative-Free Morphine Separately
Question: Duramorph is a narcotic that may be administered as a single injection prior to... Read more
Bill Only Highest Level for 69436 and 41520
Question: Can I bill anesthesia multiple times in a surgery? For instance, 69436 and 4152... Read more
01992 Based on Who Performed Procedure
Question: Can I bill 01992 for anesthesia for code 62311? Texas Subscriber Answer: It dep... Read more
ICD-10 Is Knocking; Don't Worry About Answering
Question: I know ICD-10 is being released in October of 2013; how much training will it r... Read more
3 Codes for Lines and Procedure
Question: My anesthesiologist performed anesthesia with an A-line and CVP for a surgical ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Proper Billing for Conjoined Twins Anesthesia
Question: How should I bill when a procedure such as an anesthesia catheter insertion is ... Read more
Keep Chronic Pain Denial at Bay With Surefire Dx Tips
Be careful not to put words in your physician's mouth, or risk audit woes. Imagine your... Read more
Ask the Expert:
Trouble With PQRI? Get Our Professional's Assessment
If you're still trying to get a handle on this year's PQRI (Physician Quality Re... Read more
350.1 Essentials:
Upgrade Your Neuralgia Coding Toolbox
Watch out: Coders and physicians may use different terms for same Dx. Could your anatomy ... Read more
Distinguish 727.61 From 840.4 With Ease
Question: In treating pain stemming from an injury to the rotator cuff, how do you deter... Read more
Coding Cervical Fusion With Instrumentation
Question: If the surgeon performs anterior cervical fusion with bone plug and instrumenta... Read more
Avoid AQ Modifier if You're in Automated File
Question: I'm confused about whether to apply modifier AQ on my claims. If our ZIP code i... Read more
Watch Your Codes for Eye Surgery
Question: We have a new anesthesiology client that works in an eye center. He says that h... Read more
You Be the Coder:
What's the Correct Code for Thromboendarterectomy?
Question: Our anesthesiologist provided anesthesia for a carotid thromboendarterectomy, ... Read more
Use These 3 Easy Tips for Headache-Related Nerve Blocks
Correct 64400 and 64405 coding helps ensure payment. If your practice is looking to ad... Read more
Take a Crack at Tough PM and Anesthesia Questions
Did you conquer the coding conundrums of 2008? Find out now. As you wrap up that last sup... Read more
Check Your Work:
Solutions to the Quiz
Compare your solutions to those of our expert coders. How did you do? It always pays to k... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use V65.2 for Feigned Illness
Question: Our practice recently had a patient presenting with a complaint of severe low b... Read more
Reader Questions:
Be Careful Counting Injection Levels
Question: How do I bill correctly for 64475 and +64476 for a total of three levels? Oklah... Read more
Reader Questions:
Watch Bundles When Billing for IV Placement
Question: My anesthesiologist wants to bill for IV placement in this scenario: Sometimes ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Where Is Crosswalk to 00563, not 00562?
Question: For a descending aortic aneurysm repair, my physician's notes read "Right poste... Read more
Available Years:  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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