Anesthesia Coding Alert

Gear Up Your Math Skills to Code Anesthesia for Burns Correctly
For burn codes such as +01953, a little TBSA knowledge helps you code.CPT provides three a... Read more
Report Category III Codes to Boost Future Payment Chances
Be cautious coding intradiscal annuloplasty with 0062TYour natural instinct might be to le... Read more
Pain Management Corner:
Equating Nerve Blocks & Nerve Destruction Causes Trouble
Carefully choose 64470 or 64626 based on MD's documentation.Facet joint injections are any... Read more
Bonus 64470-+64476 Tip:
Look for Modifiers on Bilateral Injection Claims
CPT codes 64470-+64476 describe unilateral procedures " the CPT parenthetical note acknowl... Read more
Gear Up Your Math Skills to Code Anesthesia for Burns Correctly
For burn codes such as +01953, a little TBSA knowledge helps you code.CPT provides three a... Read more
Report Category III Codes to Boost Future Payment Chances
Be cautious coding intradiscal annuloplasty with 0062TYour natural instinct might be to le... Read more
Pain Management Corner:
Equating Nerve Blocks & Nerve Destruction Causes Trouble
Carefully choose 64470 or 64626 based on MD's documentation.Facet joint injections are any... Read more
Bonus 64470-+64476 Tip:
Look for Modifiers on Bilateral Injection Claims
CPT codes 64470-+64476 describe unilateral procedures -- the CPT parenthetical note a... Read more
Reader Question:
Pay Attention to Method of Nerve Block
Question: How should I code a therapeutic nerve block of the femoral nerve when our pain m... Read more
Reader Questions:
Pay Attention to Method of Nerve Block
Question: How should I code a therapeutic nerve block of the femoral nerve when our pain m... Read more
Reader Questions:
93315 Not Included in Basic Anesthesia
Question: Is transesophageal echocardiography (93315) included in basic anesthesia adminis... Read more
Reader Questions:
Which V Code for Biliary Stent Removal?
Question: What diagnosis code would be appropriate for the removal of a biliary stent, wit... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Include Fluoroscopy for 62263-62264?
Question: Our physician performed peridural adhesiolysis with fluoroscopy, but the separ... Read more
Help Your Physician Document TEE for Spot-on Coding
Software and templates can make all the difference in successfully coding TEEAnesthesiolog... Read more
Pain Management Corner:
Follow These Examples of Unlisted PM Codes
Get a head start on requesting reimbursement Unlisted procedure codes can get complica... Read more
How to Obtain Reimbursement for Unlisted Procedures
Pursue pre-authorization from payers to help ensure paymentObtaining payment for unlisted ... Read more
Avoid Appeals for Pain Blocks With These 3 Tips
Study payer's policies and contracts for clarification on what's coveredYou may have encou... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code for Time if Patient Refuses Procedure
Question: After placement of an intra-arterial catheter (A-line) in the operating room (OR... Read more
Reader Questions:
Clarify TIVA With Your Anesthesiologist for Coding
Question: I was always under the impression that total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) was c... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use Modifier 74 for ASC Only
Question: If the surgeon discontinues a procedure after anesthesia, should I use modifier ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use a Pen, Not a Stamp
Question: My anesthesiologist has been using a stamp signature for years, but recently we ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Which Code for Lumbar Catheter Placement?
Question: Our anesthesiologist placed a catheter for anesthetic at the lumbar plexus, and ... Read more
Define 'Emergency' -- When To Use QC +99140
Enlist your doctor's help to determine when to use an emergency codeIf you find +99140 to ... Read more
Pain Management Corner:
Study These Expert ESI Tips Before You File Your Next Claim
Payer policies reveal which conditions indicate medical necessityThe next time you code an... Read more
Cross-Reference ESI Codes to Spinal Segments
Remember to watch for transforaminal or interlaminar approachYou have a lot of elements to... Read more
Epidurogram vs. Fluoroscopy Determines Reimbursement
Epidurography has strict documentation requirementsIf you aren't familiar with the 70000 s... Read more
Reader Questions:
Report More Minutes Using Units
Question: When billing for code 01967, sometimes the time is over 999 minutes. In one case... Read more
Reader Questions:
Join PQRI in July
Question: Our practice did not begin the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) ear... Read more
Reader Questions:
CCI Adds a Little Work for Anesthesia This Time
Question: Are there any recent CCI edits impacting anesthesiology?Maine SubscriberAnswer: ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code Same-Specialty Consult With Confidence
Question: In our practice we have two physicians who are board-certified in pain managemen... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Counting Line Placement in Anesthesia Time?
Question: A patient arrives at the OR at 7:30 a.m. The anesthesiologist places an A-line a... Read more
Pain Management Corner:
Get the Skinny on 2009 Migraine Codes Now to Avoid October Denials
Red alert: ICD-9 plans more specific options for chronic migraines, status migrainosus and... Read more
Don't Automatically Cross Off Qualifying Circumstance Claims
Digging for buried reimbursement treasure pays offYou often see Medicare held up as the go... Read more
Look Out:
Prolonged Services Switch Just Around the Corner
Learn how these CMS changes will affect your E/M coding and reimbursementCoding for prolon... Read more
Keep Prolonged Services Descriptors Handy
CPT offers the following prolonged services codes: Office or Other Outpatient Setting ... Read more
Reader Questions:
No Bundling for Post-Op Injections, Nerve Blocks
Question: Our anesthesiologist administered anesthesia during the patient's surgical proce... Read more
Reader Questions:
ABN Supersedes NEMB Form Soon
Question: I have heard that the new advance beneficiary notice makes the notice of exclusi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Warm Up When Coding for 'Frozen Shoulder'
Question: Our anesthesiologist worked on a procedure for the arthroscopic release of adhes... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Documentation for Decubitus Ulcer Excision
Question: The anesthesiologist at our practice provided anesthesia for the excision of a s... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Use Care in Coding for E/M Plus Other Injections
Question: Our pain management specialist saw a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome for a p... Read more
Stay on Top of Your Endoscopic Anesthesia Coding and Steer Clear of Payer Pitfalls
Our experts reveal how you can avoid unnecessary denialsWhen one Part B Medicare carrier r... Read more
Pain Management Corner:
Prep Now So 2009 Headache Codes Will Be No Pain, All Gain
You may have to leave your 784.0 comfort zone in OctoberICD-9 2009 may include more new co... Read more
Watch for FDA's Fospropofol Ruling
One main reason for the increased focus on 00810 and 00740 is a recent Aetna policy change... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code Cautiously for Cancelled Procedure
Question: We had a patient scheduled for a colonoscopy with biopsy who experienced an epis... Read more
Reader Questions:
Be Specific When Coding for Hernia Procedure
Question: I'm coding for the surgeon and anesthesiologist (separate claims) for a procedur... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose 01926 for This Valvuloplasty Service
Question: Our anesthesiologist provided services for a balloon valvuloplasty to treat sten... Read more
Reader Questions:
Multiple-Level Coding Necessary for Heart Failure
Question: Our anesthesiologist worked during a procedure to insert a defibrillator transve... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Attention to Detail Key in CTS Coding
Question: Our pain management specialist saw a patient with discomfort arising from carpal... Read more
Take Action Today:
CMS Unveils Somatic Nerve Injection Code Changes
These significant switches will add more green to your springAs every anesthesia and pain ... Read more
Ace Matching Modifiers to Procedures for Claim Success
Find out which modifiers should always be at your fingertipsWhen you're coding for pain ma... Read more
Heads Up:
CCI 14.1 Includes Almost Every Anesthesia Code
See which of these new edits will have an effect on your codingThe latest round of Correct... Read more
Reader Questions:
Watch Medicare Coverage for Injections
Question: One of our physicians is seeing a patient who has muscle spasms. This patient ha... Read more
Reader Questions:
Determine Best Bet for Single Lumbar Plexus Block
Question: Our pain management specialist administered a single lumbar plexus block. How sh... Read more
Reader Questions:
Be Specific in Supervised Anesthesia Coding
Question: What would be the most accurate way of coding for general anesthesia performed b... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code Carefully for Unusual Anesthesia Situations
Question: I'm coding for a situation where, due to the subject's age, one of our physician... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Carrier Policy When Using 62263, 62264
Question: We have a patient who was treated with epidural injections of hypertonic saline ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Forget Modifier When Coding Femoral Block
Question: Our anesthesiologist performed anesthesia services on a patient and provided a f... Read more
Reader Questions:
OK to Remove Modifiers on Some Secondary Claims
Question: We have a secondary insurance carrier that is denying claims we submit using mod... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Code by Level, Number for Nerve Destruction?
Question: When our physician performs radiofrequency destruction of the medial branch nerv... Read more
Bust This 00670 Myth or Risk Losing Your Hard-Earned Reimbursement Dollars
Our experts tell you how to handle this Crosswalk changeIf you're stumped by what 2008 CPT... Read more
Surefire Tactics Take Luck Out of Botulinum Toxin Equation
Don't leave your reimbursement for 64612-64614 to chanceYou face a lot of bumps on the roa... Read more
Bonus Tips:
Guarantee Your Chemodenervation Payment
You've taken care of everything involving coding for your procedures, so you'll want to ma... Read more
Reader Questions:
Watch Times When Coding for Consultations
Question: A transplant surgeon has written an order for our anesthesiologist to see a post... Read more
Reader Questions:
Remember to Code Using Patient's Position
Question: We bill for an anesthesiologist who performs anesthesia for a pain management do... Read more
Reader Questions:
Track Botulinum Wastage for Accurate Coding
Question: Can I bill for botulinum wastage?Nevada SubscriberAnswer: Yes, you can typically... Read more
Reader Questions:
Keep Your Eye on Modifiers When Coding for CRNAs
Question: We have been told that our CRNA's codes must identically match those billed by t... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Which CABG Procedure Code Is Best Fit?
Question: Our anesthesiologist used a pump oxygenator during a coronary artery bypass graf... Read more
What You Don't Know Could Save Your Post-Op Femoral Block Coding
Master these global-period rules for cleaner claimsThe one thing you always need to establ... Read more
Bone Up on Global-Period Definitions
The following are the definitions for 0- and 10-day global periods from the Medicare Physi... Read more
Keep It Together When Coding Incomplete Medical Direction
Look before you leap into using these tricky modifiersIn anesthesia cases in which medical... Read more
Tackle Medical Direction Using This Handy Guide
Our simple guidelines show you how to master short-duration emergenciesHere are two sets o... Read more
News You Can Use:
Heads Up -- You Can't Afford to Miss This 00797 Change
Adjusted base unit value can mean increased reimbursementsYou may need to alert third-part... Read more
Learn the Truth Behind Dozens of CCI 14.0 Edits
Codes 01935 and 01936 bear the brunt of anesthesiology bundlesCorrect Coding Initiative (C... Read more
Reader Questions:
Mediastinoscopy Coding Depends on Ventilation
Question: I'm trying to code correctly for a mediastinoscopy, with or without biopsy. A CR... Read more
Reader Questions:
Play It Safe With Flat Fee Services Time Units
Question: I have doubts regarding flat fee calculation. My client calculates time using 11... Read more
Reader Questions:
Make Sure Botulinum Toxin Diagnosis Agrees
Question: I need help in coding correctly for a botulinum toxin injection for pain. What c... Read more
Reader Questions:
Your Best Bet for Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Is 20526
Question: A patient was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome on both sides. Our pain mana... Read more
Reader Questions:
Always Apply the Correct Chemodenervation Code
Question: Our pain management specialist administered Botox injections to a patient's hand... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Take Your Time When Coding for Ex Lap Procedure
Question: We placed an epidural for labor. The patient delivered vaginally with uterine in... Read more
Pain Management Corner:
Skip EMG Guidance Reporting for Piriformis Injection
Take these 2 easy steps to ensure correct coding You're stymied by a chart on your... Read more
Quick Reference:
Piriformis Syndrome Defined
Piriformis syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic ne... Read more
Compliance Corner:
Track Locum Tenens Billing Carefully or Face Audits
Remember to use for MDs, not CRNAsA locum tenens physician may be a temporary addition to ... Read more
Diagnosis Focus:
Apply This Real-Life Scenario to Use V Codes Effectively
Don't shy away when these codes can help your claimsIf you avoid ICD-9's V code section be... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose Modifier Carefully for Dual Injections
Question: Our physician recently treated a patient in our office with olecranon bursitis i... Read more
Reader Questions:
Rely on Modifier QS, Not Moderate Sedation
Question: Would you explain the difference between MAC (monitored anesthesia care) and IV ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Documentation Guides for Occipital Headache
Question: What diagnosis applies to an occipital headache? Should I code for just a regula... Read more
Reader Questions:
Technique Sets Popliteal Fossa Block
Question: What procedure code applies to a popliteal fossa block in the ankle area for pos... Read more
Reader Questions:
Age and Device Dictate PICC Coding
Question: How should I code a "PICC line forearm"?New Jersey SubscriberAnswer: CPT include... Read more
Reader Questions:
01968 Is for Complete C-Section, Not Partial Help
Question: When an anesthesiologist starts a labor epidural for a vaginal delivery and then... Read more
Reader Questions:
62263 Means Consecutive Days
Question: Code 62263's descriptor indicates for "two or more days." Must those be consecut... Read more
Reader Questions:
Payer Determines Marcaine Code
Question: Our payers have started denying J codes for Marcaine (bupivacaine). What are we ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Compare Sacrococcygeal Joint Injection to 20600
Question: How should we code sacrococcygeal joint injections?Idaho SubscriberAnswer: The s... Read more
You be the coder:
Prostate Cancer Brachytherapy
Question: What are the surgical and anesthesia codes for prostate cancer brachytherapy?Vir... Read more
Documentation Checkpoint:
Stop Diagnosis Denials at the Door With Our Easy Checklist
Watch these 3 areas to help ensure clean anesthesia claims If you've compiled a list of y... Read more
Quick Reference:
Defeat Denials by Conquering Top-10 Issues
Check this list to see if any problem spots look familiar If Medicare sometimes denies yo... Read more
Pain Management Corner:
Knowing What IPM Specialists Do Is Half Your Coding Battle
Brush up on these procedures and codes before OIG comes calling As pain management contin... Read more
Reader Questions:
Concurrencies Count, Despite Different Payers
Question: Our anesthesiologist participated in two cases whose times overlapped. One clai... Read more
Reader Questions:
Medical Direction Status Stays for Entire Case
Question: Anesthesiologist A medically directed a CRNA during the first portion of a case... Read more
Reader Questions:
3 EEG Codes Include Anesthesia
Question: Some of our anesthesia providers will bill an EEG (CPT 95955) when performed, ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Go With Higher Base, Not Multiple Codes
Question: Should I include any modifiers when submitting claims for a double procedure, s... Read more
Reader Questions:
V58.69 Could Work for Chronic Narcotic Use
Question: What diagnosis should I use for chronic narcotic use? Louisiana Subscriber ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Confirm Nerve, Location for Occipital Destruction
Question: How should I code occipital nerve destruction? Indiana Subscriber Answer: Code... Read more
Reader Questions:
Follow Payer Guides for Pump Payment
Question: How should we code spinal pump insertion for pain management? Our physician hel... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Verify Best Option for Piriformis Injection
Question: How should I code a piriformis muscle injection using fluoroscopic guidance? Wa... Read more
CPT Update:
2008 Brings Changes to Anesthesia During Image Guidance
Check out the new -- and deleted -- anesthesia codes to clear up your image coding The an... Read more
Keep Your Eyes Open So Denials Become Successes
Tip: Focus on these 3 areas to turn your denial rate around If you've compiled a list of ... Read more
Scrutiny Heads-Up:
Interventional PM Procedures Move to OIG's Radar Screen
2008 Work Plan includes note of special interest to pain management If your physician ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Stone Location Guides Cysto-With-Litho Coding
Question: How should I code for anesthesia during a cystourethroscopy with lithotripsy fo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Reporting MAC During GI Procedures
Question: Our state board recently advised that a CRNA or anesthesiologist must administe... Read more
Reader Questions:
Including LT and RT Can Help Cataract Claims
Question: Should I report modifiers LT and/or RT when coding anesthesia for cataract surg... Read more
Reader Questions:
Verify Extubation for Switch-Over Case
Question: Upon emergence, a hernia repair patient experienced cardiac arrest, so staff be... Read more
Reader Questions:
'Unlisted' Could Be Best for SI Radiofrequency
Question: How should I bill radiofrequency for the S1, S2 and S3 nerves that innervate th... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use Caution With Massage Therapist's Service
Question: We're adding a massage therapist to provide myofascial release and massage ther... Read more
Reader Questions:
Nerve Block
Question: How should I code a lateral cutaneous femoral nerve block? The physician noted ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Reporting MAC With Moderate Sedation
Question: Our anesthesiologist administered monitored anesthesia care (MAC) while the sur... Read more
Pain Management Corner:
Watch These Areas to Ease Your Facet Joint Injection Claims
Count levels treated -- not injections -- for 64470-64476Coding for facet injections is fa... Read more
Line Placement Know-How:
Roles of CVP and PA Catheters Help Guide Your Coding
Verify uses before filing that next claim--or face denialsAlthough the global anesthesia c... Read more
Test Yourself:
Report CVP With Swan-Ganz Correctly
Know when to report both lines simultaneously An Anesthesia & Pain Management Coding A... Read more
Follow Location for CSF Leak Diagnosis
Question: What diagnosis applies to a cerebrospinal fluid leakage that's unrelated to a lu... Read more
Steer Clear of Separate Block Time Coding
Steer Clear of Separate Block Time Coding Question: Can our physician bill for the time he... Read more
Consider All Factors for Epi and C/S Twin Delivery
Question: We have one anesthesia record for the delivery of twins that says the anesthesio... Read more
Code Most Post-Op With 338.18, but Not All
Question: How should we report the diagnosis for billing 62318 or 62319 with modifier 59 a... Read more
Surgical Method Determines Spine Biopsy Code
Question: What CPT code should I submit for a biopsy of the sacral spine? Florida Subscrib... Read more
64999 Is Best Option for Occipital Nerve Pulsed Radiofrequency
Question: Our pain management specialist performed pulsed radiofrequency ablation to the r... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Reporting Unsuccessful Line Placement
Question: Can we code for a line placement (such as an arterial line or CVP) that the anes... Read more
Available Years:  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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