Allergy Coding Alert
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Reader Questions: Find the Elusive Peak Flow Code

Question: What is correct coding for a peak flow rate performed in the office with a peak flow device prior to an allergy shot? Would it be 94200 or 94150 or another code?

New York Subscriber

Answer: You should report 94150 (Vital capacity, total [separate procedure]) for peak flow measurements. CPT does not provide a distinct code for peak flow rate.
This measurement is incorporated into the code for spirometry. During this procedure, the allergist uses a spirometer to measure peak expiratory flow rate, which is a measurement of lung mechanics. Peak flow rate is a simple test, and it has a "B" status on Medicare's Physician Fee Schedule. So CMS bundles this measurement procedure into the E/M services provided. You cannot bill separately for peak flow and be reimbursed unless the physician performs all of the other measurements and you bill for spirometry.

- Published on 2003-07-01
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