Reader Question: Depo-Medrol Included in E/M Services
Question: Can we bill 90782 with our J code for Depo-Medrol?
Missouri Subscriber
Answer: Medicare and other carriers include injection codes such as 90782 (therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection [specify material injected]; subcutaneous or intramuscular) with any E/M service performed. Therefore, 90782 should not be billed with J1020 (injection, methylprednisolone acetate [Depo-Medrol], 20 mg), J1030 (40 mg) or J1040 (80 mg), unless the physician did not encounter the patient other than for the injection, and did not provide any E/M services. If E/M services were provided, 90782 could be billed separately.
- Published on 2001-12-01