[QUOTE="mmiele1979, post: 469610, member: 608467"]
Pediatrics here. We don't bill any medicare.... I'm TRYING to figure out under what circumstances we can use the 99213-99215 with modifier 95 and P... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="mmiele1979, post: 469610, member: 608467"]
Pediatrics here. We don't bill any medicare.... I'm TRYING to figure out under what circumstances we can use the 99213-99215 with modifier 95 and P... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="mmiele1979, post: 469610, member: 608467"]
Pediatrics here. We don't bill any medicare.... I'm TRYING to figure out under what circumstances we can use the 99213-99215 with modifier 95 and P... [ Read More ]
Pediatrics here. We don't bill any medicare.... I'm TRYING to figure out under what circumstances we can use the 99213-99215 with modifier 95 and POS 02 versus using the telehealth 99421-9432 codes.... [ Read More ]