AAPC - Advancing the Business of Healthcare

Brand policy

General Information

Although we'd like to accommodate all the requests we receive from individuals and organizations who want to use AAPC Brand Elements (our trademarks or logos), we are passionate about protecting the reputation of our brand as the leader in the business side of medicine. We regularly turn down requests to use trademarks or logos in instances where the usage implies AAPC's endorsement or affiliation with the individual, organization, or particular products or services. For those that do receive approval, specific guidelines are provided in their respective agreements regarding which Brand Elements may be used, for what purposes, and under what restrictions.

With few exceptions, our Brand Elements (trademarks or logos) should only be used when AAPC explicitly gives written permission, and that usage is restricted to the guidelines outlined by an authorized representative of AAPC.

Trademark Basics

What is a trademark? A trademark is a word, name, symbol, or device (or any combination thereof) that identifies the goods or services of a person or company and distinguishes them from the goods and services of others. A trademark assures consumers of consistent quality with respect to those goods or services and aids in their promotion. For AAPC, trademarks include, but are not limited to, our name ("AAPC"), logos, and credentials (CPC)®, COC® (formerly CPC-H®, CPC-P®, CPMA®, CPCO®, and all our specialty credentials).

Rules for Proper Usage

Things You Can Do:

  • You may link to our website or individual pages within our website.

  • You may reference our organization ("AAPC") or credentials (with proper usage of ® or symbols) with proper linking to our website or attribution to our organization in your publication.

  • If permission is granted, use only AAPC-approved and distributed artwork when using AAPC's logos.

Things You Can't Do

  • You may NOT incorporate AAPC Brand Elements into your own product names, service names, trademarks, logos, URLs, or company names.

  • You may NOT use our Brand Elements in the title of your own products or services (e.g. "CPC Training Class", "CPC Practice Test", "CPC Boot Camp"). Note: Approved and certified AAPC instructors may only use our trademarks to describe their training (e.g. "this course prepares you for AAPC’s CPC® exam").

  • You may NOT register top-level or create second-level domain names with our Brand Elements (e.g. cpc-preparation-course.com or cpc.yourdomain.com).

  • You may NOT use our Brand Elements in any manner that implies a relationship or affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsement by AAPC, or that can be reasonably interpreted to suggest editorial content has been authored by, or represents the views or opinions of AAPC or AAPC personnel.

  • You may NOT copy or imitate AAPC’s trade dress, including the look and feel of AAPC website, publications, design properties, or AAPC brand packaging, distinctive color combinations, typography, graphic designs, product icons, or imagery associated with AAPC.

  • You may NOT display an AAPC Brand Element in a manner that is in AAPC's sole opinion misleading, unfair, defamatory, infringing, libelous, disparaging, obscene, or otherwise objectionable to AAPC.

  • You may NOT display an AAPC Brand Element as a prominent element on your web page, email, or document.

  • You may NOT display an AAPC Brand Element on any website that contains or displays adult content, promotes gambling, involves the sale of tobacco or alcohol to persons less than twenty-one years of age, or otherwise violates applicable law.

  • You may NOT display an AAPC Brand Element on a site that violates any law or regulation.

  • You may NOT use AAPC Brand Elements in a way that suggests a common, descriptive, or generic meaning.

  • You may NOT adopt marks, logos, slogans, or designs that are confusingly similar to our Brand Elements.

If there is any question about usage, or requests for clarification or permission, please contact us.