Health Plan Search: Provider Manuals and Policies

AAPC has compiled data from over 500 local and national health plan's websites, provider manuals, provider policies, physician credentialing and medicare/medicaid eligibility. This new search tool will be available to all for a limited time, after which it will only be available to AAPC members.


Step 3: Find your payer and select row for search capabilities for that payer or plan (if not already visible)



Abrazo Advantage Health PlanAZ#####
Abri Health Plan, Inc.WI#####
ADVANTAGE Health Solutions, Inc.IN#####
AETNA Health Inc.(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Affinity Health PlanNY#####
Aflac(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Alameda Alliance for HealthCA#####
Allegiance Life & Health Insurance CompanyMT#####
Alliant Health Plans, Inc.GA, TN, AL#####
Altius / CoventryID,UT,WY#####
AMA Insurance Agency(Multi-State Coverage)#####
American Health MedicarePR#####
American Medical Security, Inc.(Multi-State Coverage)#####
American Progressive Life and Health Insurance Co. of New YorkNY#####
American Republic Insurance Company(Multi-State Coverage)#####
American Specialty Health Incorporated(Multi-State Coverage)#####
America's 1st Choice Health Plans of GeorgiaGA#####
America's 1st Choice Health Plans of South CarolinaSC#####
America's 1st Choice Insurance Company of North CarolinaNC#####
AmeriChoice / UnitedHealthcare of FloridaFL#####
AmeriChoice / UnitedHealthcare of IowaIA#####
AmeriChoice by UnitedHealthcare of ConnecticutCT#####
AmeriChoice of New JerseyNJ#####
AmeriChoice of New York by United HealthcareNY#####
AmeriChoice of PennsylvaniaPA#####
AmeriChoice of TennesseeTN#####
AMERIGROUP Community Care(Multi-State Coverage)#####
AmeriHealthNJ, PA, DE, WV#####
AmeriHealth Mercy Health PlanPA#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of CaliforniaCA#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of ColoradoCO#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of ConnecticutCT#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of GeorgiaGA#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of IndianaIN#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of KentuckyKY#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of MaineME#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of MissouriMO#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of NevadaNV#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of New HampshireNH#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of OhioOH#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of VirginiaVA#####
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of WisconsinWI#####
Arcadian Health Plan(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Arise Health PlanWI#####
Arizona Physicians IPA (APIPA) by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoiceAZ#####
Arkansas Blue Cross Blue ShieldAR#####
Arta Medicare Health Plan, IncCA#####
Assurant Health(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Asuris Northwest HealthWA#####
Atlantis Health Plan (AHP)NY#####
ATRIO Health PlansOR#####
AultCare Health PlansOH#####
Avera Health PlansSD#####
AvMed, Inc.FL#####
Bankers Life and Casualty Company(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Beech Street(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of MississippiMS#####
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode IslandRI#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of AlabamaAL#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.FL#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of IllinoisIL#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of KansasKS#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas CityMO#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of LouisianaLA#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MontanaMT#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NebraskaNE#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New MexicoNM#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North CarolinaNC#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of OklahomaOK#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of TexasTX#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of VermontVT#####
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of WyomingWY#####
Blue Cross Blue Shield of ArizonaAZ#####
Blue Cross Blue Shield of DelawareDE#####
Blue Cross Blue Shield of MassachusettsMA#####
Blue Cross Blue Shield of MichiganMI#####
Blue Cross Blue Shield of MinnesotaMN#####
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North DakotaND#####
Blue Cross Blue Shield of South CarolinaSC#####
Blue Cross Blue Shield of TennesseeTN#####
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New YorkNY#####
Blue Cross of Idaho Health Service, Inc.ID#####
Blue Cross of Northeastern PennsylvaniaPA#####
Blue Shield of CaliforniaCA#####
Blue Shield of Puerto RicoPR#####
Bluegrass Family Health, Inc.KY, IN, TN#####
Boston Medical Center HeathNet PlanMA#####
Bravo Health Mid-Atlantic, Inc.MD, PA, TX, DC, DA#####
Bridgeway Health SolutionsAZ#####
Buckeye Community Health Plan Inc. (BCHP)OH#####
Capital Blue CrossPA#####
Capital District Physicians Health Plan, Inc. (CDPHP)NY#####
Capital Health Plan, Inc.FL#####
Care 1st Health Plan of ArizonaAZ#####
Care 1st Health Plan of Southern CaliforniaCA#####
Care Wisconsin Health Plan, Inc.WI#####
CareFirst Blue Cross Blue ShieldMD, DC, VA#####
Carelink / Coventry West VirginiaWV#####
CareMore Health PlanCA, AZ, NV#####
CareSource MichiganMI#####
CareSource OhioOH#####
Carolina Care Plan, Inc. (CCP)SC#####
Carolina Crescent Health Plan, Inc.SC#####
Cascade Comprehensive Care, Inc. (CCC)OR#####
Catholic Special Needs Plan, LLC/ArchCare AdvantageNY#####
Celtic Insurance Company(Multi-State Coverage)#####
CeltiCare Health PlanMA#####
CenCal HealthCA#####
Center for Elders IndependenceCA#####
CenterCare Inc.NY#####
Central California Alliance for HealthCA#####
Central Health Plan of California, Inc.CA#####
Chartered Health Plan, Inc., TheDC#####
Children's Community Health PlanWI#####
Children's Mercy Family Health PartnersMO, KS#####
Chinese Community Health PlanCA#####
Choice Care Health Plan, Inc.(Multi-State Coverage)#####
CIGNA HealthCare, Inc.(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Citrus Health Care (CHC)FL#####
Clarian Health Plans, Inc.IN#####
Clear Choice Health Plans MontanaMT#####
Clear Choice Health Plans OregonOR#####
Colorado Access Health PlanCO#####
Colorado Choice Health Plans / San Luis Valley HMO, Inc.CO#####
Columbia United Providers, Inc.WA#####
Commercial Travelers Mutual Insurance Company(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Commonwealth Care Alliance, Inc.MA#####
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public Schools Retirement SystemPA#####
Community Care Health Plan, Inc.WI#####
Community First Health Plans, Inc.TX#####
Community Health Choice, Inc. (CHC)TX#####
Community Health GroupCA#####
Community Health Network of Connecticut, Inc. (CHNCT)CT#####
Community Health Partnership, Inc. (CHP)WI#####
Community Health Plan (California)CA#####
Community Health Plan of Washington (CHP)WA#####
CommunityCare Managed Healthcare Plans of OklahomaOK#####
Comprehensive Medical and Dental ProgramAZ#####
Concert Health Plan (CHP)IL#####
ConnectiCare, Inc.CT, MA, NY#####
Consolidated Association of Railroad Employees Health Care (CARE)(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Contra Costa Health PlanCA#####
Cook Children's Health Plan (CCHP)TX#####
Cooperativa de Seguros de Vida de PR (COSVI)PR#####
CoreSourceMD, NC, IL, OH, PA, AR, AZ#####
Coventry Health Care of Delaware (Maryland)DE,MD#####
Coventry Health Care of GeorgiaGA#####
Coventry Health Care of IowaIA#####
Coventry Health Care of Kansas (Western Missori)KS,MO#####
Coventry Health Care of LouisianaLA#####
Coventry Health Care of NebraskaNE#####
Coventry Health Care of NevadaNV#####
Coventry Health Care of OklahomaOK#####
Coventry Health Care of TennesseeTN#####
Coventry Health Care, Inc.(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Coventry National Network(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Cox HealthPlans, LLCMO#####
DaVita VillageHealthCA#####
Dean Health Insurance, Inc.WI#####
Delaware Physicians Care Inc.DE#####
Denver Health Medical PlanCO#####
Deseret Healthcare TrustUT, ID, HI#####
DOCS Health PlanOR#####
Douglas County IPA (DCIPA)OR#####
Driscoll Children's Health PlanTX#####
Easy Choice Health Plan, Inc.CA#####
Educators Mutual Insurance Association(Multi-State Coverage)#####
El Paso First Health Plans, Inc.TX#####
Elder Service PlanMA#####
Elder Service Plan of East Boston Health CenterMA#####
Elder Service Plan of the North ShoreMA#####
Elderhaus, Inc.NC#####
Elderplan, Inc.NY#####
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield of New YorkNY#####
ENCOMPASS Health Management Systems(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Essence, Inc.MO, IL, KY, WA#####
Evergreen Health Plan, Inc.GA#####
Excellus Blue Cross Blue ShieldNY#####
Fallon Community Health Plan (FCHP)MA#####
Family Health NetworkIL#####
FamilyCare, Inc.OR#####
Fidelis Care, Inc.NY#####
Fidelis SecureCareMI, NC, TX#####
First Choice Health NetworkWA#####
First Health(Multi-State Coverage)#####
First Medical Health Plan, Inc.PR#####
FirstCarolinaCare, Inc.NC, SC#####
Florida Health Care Plan, Inc. (FHCP) Blue Cross Blue ShieldFL#####
Florida PACE Centers (FPC)FL#####
FMH CoreSourceKS#####
Franciscan PACE, Inc.LA#####
Freedom Health PlanFL#####
Fresenius Medical Care Health Plan(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Gateway Health PlanPA#####
Geisinger Health PlanPA#####
GEMCare Health Plan, Inc.CA#####
GlobalHealth IncorporatedOK#####
Grand Valley Health Plan, Inc.MI#####
Great Lakes Health PlanMI#####
Group Health CooperativeWA, ID#####
Group Health Cooperative of Eau ClaireWI#####
Group Health Cooperative of South Central WisconsinWI#####
Group Health Incorporated (GHI)NY#####
Group Health Plan / Coventry Health Care of Missouri (Illinois)MO,IL#####
GuildNet, Inc.NY#####
Gundersen Lutheran Health Plan, Inc.WI#####
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc.MA, NH, ME#####
Hawaii Medical Service Association Blue Cross Blue ShieldHI#####
Health Advantage / HMO Partners, Inc.AR#####
Health Alliance Medical Plans, Inc.IL#####
Health Alliance Plan of MichiganMI#####
Health America / Coventry Health Care of Pennsylvania (Ohio)PA,OH#####
Health Choice ArizonaAZ#####
Health Dialog(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Health First Health Plans, Inc. (HFHP)FL#####
Health Net Federal Services, LLCVA#####
Health Net Health PlanAZ, CA, CT, NJ, NY, OR, WA#####
Health New England, Inc. (HNE)MA#####
Health Partners of PhiladelphiaPA#####
Health Plan of Michigan, Inc.MI#####
Health Plan of NevadaNV#####
Health Plan of San JoaquinCA#####
Health Plan of San MateoCA#####
Health Plan of the Upper Ohio Valley, Inc.OH, WV#####
Health Plan Select, Inc.GA#####
Health Plus (PHSP), Inc.NY#####
Health Plus of Louisiana, Inc.LA#####
Health Right, Inc.DC#####
Health Tradition Health Plan, Inc.WI#####
Healthfirst, Inc. New JerseyNJ#####
Healthfirst, Inc. New YorkNY#####
HealthNow of New York, Inc.NY#####
HealthPartners, Inc.MN#####
HealthPlus of Michigan, Inc.MI#####
HealthSpring Middle TennesseeTN#####
HealthSpring of Alabama, Inc.AL#####
HealthSpring of East Tennesse/North GeorgiaGA#####
HealthSpring of IllinoisIL#####
HealthSpring of North TexasTX#####
HealthSpring of TexasTX#####
HealthSpring West Tennessee/North MississippiTN, MI#####
HealthSun Health Plans, Inc.FL#####
Healthy Palm Beaches, Inc.FL#####
Heart of America Health PlanND#####
Heritage Provider Network, Inc.CA#####
Highmark Blue Cross Blue ShieldPA#####
Highmark Blue ShieldPA#####
HIP Health Plan of New York, Inc.NY#####
HM Insurance Group (HM)(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Hometown Health Plan, Inc.NV#####
Honored Citizens Choice Health Plan, Inc.CA#####
Hope Hospice and Community ServicesFL#####
Hopkins ElderPlusMD#####
Horizon Blue Cross Blue ShieldNJ#####
Hudson Health PlanNY#####
Humana, Inc.(Multi-State Coverage)#####
IBT Voluntary Employee Benefits Trust(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Imerica Life and Health Insurance Company(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Independence Blue CrossPA#####
Independent Care Health Plan (iCare)WI#####
Independent Health Association, Inc.NY#####
Independent Living for SeniorsNY#####
Inland Empire Health PlanCA#####
Integrated Health Plan(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Inter Valley Health PlanCA#####
Inter-County Health Plans, Inc.PA#####
ITASCA Medical Care (IMCare)MN#####
JAI Medical Systems, Inc.MD#####
JMH Health PlanFL#####
Kaiser Permanente Foundation Health Plan of Colorado, Inc.CO#####
Kaiser Permanente Foundation Health Plan of Georgia, Inc.GA#####
Kaiser Permanente Foundation Health Plan of HawaiiHI#####
Kaiser Permanente Foundation Health Plan of Ohio, Inc.OH#####
Kaiser Permanente Foundation Health Plan of Southern California, Inc.CA#####
Kaiser Permanente Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States, Inc.MD, VA, DC#####
Kaiser Permanente Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest, Inc.OR, WA#####
KelseyCare AdvantageTX#####
Keokuk Area Hospital Organized Delivery System, Inc.IA#####
Kern Health Systems, Inc.CA#####
KeyStone MercyPA#####
KPS Health PlansWA#####
LA Care Health PlanCA#####
Lane Individual Practice Association (LIPA)OR#####
Leon Medical Centers Health Plans, Inc.FL#####
Liberty Health AdvantageNY#####
LIFE PittsburghPA#####
LifeWise Health Plan of OregonOR#####
Lifewise Health Plan of WashingtonWA#####
Lovelace Health Plan/Lovelace Sandia Health SystemNM#####
Managed Health Services Insurance Corp. (MHS)WI#####
Managed Health Services of Indiana, Inc.IN#####
MAPFRE Life Insurance CompanyPR#####
Maricopa Health PlanAZ#####
Marion Polk Community Health PlanOR#####
Martin's Point Health CareME#####
Maryland Physicians Care (MPC)MD#####
McLaren Health PlanMI#####
MD Care, Inc.CA#####
Medcore Health PlanCA#####
Medica Health PlansMN, ND, SD, WI#####
Medica Healthcare Plans, Inc.FL#####
Medical Associates Health Plan, Inc.IA#####
Medical Mutual of OhioOH#####
MedStar Family ChoiceMD#####
Mennonite General Hospital Healthcare PlanPR#####
Mennonite Mutual Aid Association (MMA)(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Mercy Care AdvantageAZ#####
Mercy Care PlanAZ#####
Mercy Health Plans, Inc.MO, AR, TX#####
MercyCare Health PlansWI, IL#####
Methodist Oaks, TheSC#####
MetroPlus Health Plan, Inc.NY#####
Metropolitan Health Plan (MHP)MN#####
Mid Rogue MRIPA HealthPlanOR#####
Midland Care ConnectionKS#####
Midwest Health Plan, Inc.MI#####
Missouri Care Health PlanMO#####
Molina Healthcare of CaliforniaCA#####
Molina Healthcare of Florida, Inc.FL#####
Molina Healthcare of MichiganMI#####
Molina Healthcare of MissouriMO#####
Molina Healthcare of New MexicoNM#####
Molina Healthcare of Ohio, Inc.OH#####
Molina Healthcare of TexasTX#####
Molina Healthcare of UtahUT#####
Molina Healthcare of WashingtonWA#####
Monarch Health PlanCA#####
Mount Carmel Health PlanOH#####
Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc.VA#####
Mountain State Blue Cross Blue ShieldWV#####
MultiPlan, Inc.(Multi-State Coverage)#####
MVP Health CareNY, VT, NH#####
NAMMCal / PrimeCare Medical Network, Inc.CA#####
National Health Plan Network, Inc.NY#####
Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island, Inc.RI#####
Neighborhood Health Plan, Inc. (NHP)MA#####
Neighborhood Health Providers (NHP)NY#####
Network HealthMA#####
Network Health PlanWI#####
New West Health ServicesMT#####
NGS CoreSourceMI#####
ODS Health Plans, Inc.OR#####
Oklahoma State and Education Employees Group Insurance BoardOK#####
On Lok LifewaysCA#####
Optimum HealthCare, Inc.FL#####
OptumHealth Care Solutions(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Oregon Health Management Services (OHMS)OR#####
PACE Greater New OrleansLA#####
PACE Organization of Rhode IslandRI#####
PACE Vermont, Inc.VT#####
PacificSource Health PlansOR, ID#####
Palmetto SeniorCareSC#####
Paramount Care of Michigan, Inc.MI#####
Paramount Health CareOH#####
Parkland Community Health PlanTX#####
PARTNERS National Health Plans of North Carolina, Inc. Blue Cross Blue ShieldNC#####
Partnership Health Plan of CaliforniaCA#####
Passport Health Plan/Passport AdvantageKY#####
Peach State Health Plan (Peach State)GA#####
Penn Highlands Health PlanPA#####
Pennsylvania PACE, Inc.PA#####
Peoples HealthLA#####
PersonalCare / Coventry Health Care of IllinoisIL#####
Phoenix Health PlanAZ#####
PHP Companies, dba Cariten HealthcareTN#####
Physicians' Benefits TrustIL#####
Physicians Health Choice ArkansasAR#####
Physicians Health Choice FloridaFL#####
Physicians Health Choice New MexicoNM#####
Physicians Health Choice TexasTX#####
Physicians Health Plan of Mid-Michigan (PHPMM)MI#####
Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana, Inc. (PHPNI)IN#####
Physicians Plus Insurance CorporationWI#####
Physician's United Plan, Inc.FL#####
Piedmont Community Health PlanVA#####
Pima Health PlanAZ#####
Pittsburgh Care Partnership, Inc.PA#####
Preferred Care Partners, Inc.FL#####
Preferred Health Systems / Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc.KS#####
Preferred Medical Plan, Inc. (PMP)FL#####
PreferredOne Community Health PlanMN#####
Premera Blue CrossWA, AK#####
Presbyterian Health Plan, Inc.NM#####
PrimeWest Health SystemsMN#####
Priority HealthMI#####
Priority PartnersMD#####
ProCare Health PlanMI#####
Prosalud, Inc.PR#####
Providence Health PlanOR, WA#####
Puget Sound Health PartnersWA#####
QualCare, Inc.NJ#####
QualChoice of Arkansas/QCA Health Plan, Inc.AR#####
Quality Health Plans, Inc.FL, NY#####
Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of OregonOR#####
Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of UtahUT#####
Regence Blue ShieldWA#####
Regence Blue Shield of IdahoID#####
Riverside Retirement Services, Inc.VA#####
Rocky Mountain Health PlansCO#####
Saint Mary's Health PlansNV#####
Samaritan Health Plans / Intercommunity Health NetworkOR#####
San Francisco Health Plan (SFHP)CA#####
Sanford Health PlanSD#####
Santa Clara Family Health PlanCA#####
SCAN Health PlanCA, AZ#####
Scott and White Health PlanTX#####
Security Health Plan of Wisconsin, Inc.WI#####
Select Health of South Carolina, Inc.SC#####
Senior Care ConnectionCA#####
Senior CommUnity Care of ColoradoCO#####
Senior Whole Health of MassachusettsMA#####
Senior Whole Health of New YorkNY#####
Sentara Health Plans, Inc.VA#####
SETON Health Plan, Inc.TX#####
Sharp Health PlanCA#####
Sidney Hillman Health Center (SHHC)NY#####
Sistemas Medicos Nacionales, S.A. (SIMNSA)CA#####
South Country Health AllianceMN#####
Southeastern Indiana Health Organization (SIHO)IN#####
Southern Health / Coventry Health Care of Virginia (DC)VA,DC#####
Southern Tier Pediatrics/Southern Tier PartialNY#####
Sterling Life Insurance Company(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Suffolk Health PlanNY#####
SummaCare Health Plan, Inc.OH#####
Summerlin HawaiiHI, NV, AZ#####
Sun Health MediSun, Inc.AZ#####
Sunshine State Health PlanFL#####
Superior Healthplan, Inc.TX#####
Sutter SeniorCareCA#####
Texas Children's Health PlanTX#####
Total Care, Inc.NY#####
Total Carolina CareSC#####
Total Community Care, L.L.C.NM#####
Total Health Care, Inc.MI#####
Total Health Choice, Inc.FL#####
Total Longterm Care, Inc.CO#####
Touchstone HealthNY#####
TriHealth Senior LinkOH#####
Trillium Community Health PlanOR#####
TriWest Healthcare Alliance(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Trustees of the University of PennsylvaniaPA#####
Trustmark CompaniesIL#####
Tuality Health AllianceOR#####
Tufts Associated Health Plans, Inc.MA, RI#####
UAHC Health Plan of Tennessee, Inc.TN#####
UCare MinnesotaMN#####
UMR(Multi-State Coverage)#####
UNICARE Life & Health Insurance Company(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Union Health Services, Inc.IL#####
Union Pacific Railroad Employees Health Systems(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Unison aB Espanol of Pennsylvania by AmeriChoice / UnitedHealthcarePA#####
Unison aB of Pennsylvania by AmeriChoice / UnitedHealthcarePA#####
Unison ABD of Ohio by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoiceOH#####
Unison Advantage of Ohio by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoiceOH#####
Unison Advantage of Pennsylvania by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoicePA#####
Unison Advantage of Tennessee by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoicePA#####
Unison Alliance for District of Columbia by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoiceDC#####
Unison Health Plan for District of Columbia by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoiceDC#####
Unison Health Plan of Delaware by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoiceDE#####
Unison Health Plan of Ohio by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoiceOH#####
Unison Health Plan of South Carolina by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoicePA#####
Unison Kids Espanol of Pennsylvania by AmeriChoice / UnitedHealthcarePA#####
Unison Kids of Pennsylvania by AmeriChoice / UnitedHealthcarePA#####
Unison Kids of South Carolina by UnitedHealthcare / AmeriChoicePA#####
Unison MedPLUS of Pennsylvania by AmeriChoice / UnitedHealthcarePA#####
United Healthcare(Multi-State Coverage)#####
United Healthcare of MississippiMS#####
United HealthCare of the Mid-AtlanticMD#####
United Healthcare of the MidlandsNE#####
United Mine Workers of America(Multi-State Coverage)#####
UnitedHealthcare of New EnglandRI#####
UnitedHealthcare of TexasTX#####
UnitedHealthcare of WisconsinWI#####
Unity Health Plans Insurance CorporationWI#####
Univera Community Health, Inc.NY#####
Univera HealthcareNY#####
Universal American Corp(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Universal Health CareFL#####
University Family CareAZ#####
University Health Alliance (UHA)HI#####
University Health Care Health PlansUT#####
University Health Plans, Inc.NJ#####
Uphams Corner Health Committee, Inc.MA#####
UPMC Health Plan, Inc.PA, OH, WV#####
Upper Peninsula Health Plan, The (UPHP)MI#####
USHEALTH Group, Inc.(Multi-State Coverage)#####
UTMB Health Plans, Inc.TX#####
Valley Baptist Health Plan, Inc.TX#####
Valley Health PlanCA#####
Vantage Health Plan, Inc.LA#####
Ventura County Health Care PlanCA#####
Via Christi HOPEKS#####
Vida CareNY#####
Virginia Premier Health Plan, Inc.VA#####
Vista / Coventry Health Care of FloridaFL#####
Viva Health, Inc.AL#####
VNS CHOICE SelectNY#####
Vytra Health PlansNY#####
Washington State Auto Dealers Insurance TrustWA#####
Welborn Health Plans (WHP)IN#####
WellCare Health Plans, Inc.(Multi-State Coverage)#####
Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Iowa & South DakotaIA, SD#####
WellPath / Coventry Health Care of CarolinaSC,NC#####
Western Health Advantage (WHA)CA#####
Windsor Health Plan, Inc.TN#####
WINhealth PartnersWY#####
Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance CorporationWI#####
World Insurance Company(Multi-State Coverage)#####
XLHealth Corporation/Care Improvement PlusAR, TX, GA, MD, MO, SC#####
Health Future, LLCOR,WA,CA#####
Tricare (Champus)(Multi-State Coverage)#####
MedCostNC, SC#####
Meritain Health(Multi-State Coverage)#####